My forgotten identity

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Helena's(Y/N) POV

"Park Helena,"

I woke up

I woke up and was breathing heavily and then suddenly a young man rushed into the room and started caressing my back, which made me feel a bit good after sometime he asked "Are you ok?" I just nodded.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"My name is," I coughed, "P-park Helena,"

"Okay Miss Helena, where are you from?" wait what. I-I cant remember anything. what's my identity as a whole. The only thing came to my mind was just my name. But why? I looked at this man, who was speaking with me, his dragon eyes, piercing through my soul but at the same time very calming. Who was he? I heard the maids called him highness, but I can't assure his rank in this kingdom. Was he a doctor or a wizard?

"My head pains a lot," I answered. "I cant remember anything except my name, but how did I end up here?."

"We found you at our backyard, you were hurt and unconscious so, we took you inside and treated you" he answered. His voice is so heavy as if he was trying to make it light for me to understand.

"I am the rightful king of this kingdom The Dark Moon. Kim Namjoon is my name." Oh a King, he continued, "How did you end up in the backyard?". I explained him how I ended up there after listening he just nodded.

"Aren't you hungry?" My stomach is growling, I haven't eaten since yesterday, so I nodded.

He ordered the maids to take me to the dinning hall and then prepare a room for me, they bowed but first they took me to show my room, so we left.

Author's POV

Jungkook glared at Y/N and said to King Namjoon, "King! We can't let her stay here she may be a invader and she can act that she doesn't remember anything it's dangerous!!"

" Jungkook she is not a invader i know it, i have treated her. Now let's go need to have breakfast". Namjoon sighed. Her wounds were fatal, so I don't think she is an invader.

They went towards the dining hall. Namjoon sat in the center and the foods were being served then Namjoon saw Y/N coming towards the dining table.

"Sit beside me," She bowed and sat beside Namjoon.

Helena's POV

The foods were served, I started eating. While eating I had a feeling that someone was staring at me, when I looked up, I saw one of the courtiers was looking at me with a very questionable and an angry face. I immediately looked down and quickly finished my food. The maids showed me my room. When I entered, it was so beautiful and many different types of paintings were there on the wall. I was lost in those paintings and I didn't even notice that someone was in my room. When I turned around I saw a similar face who was present in the dinning hall. He was standing in one of the corners of the room which made me startled "Oh God! you scared me." I almost screamed. He smirked and said while moving forward, "You should be. Well my name is Kim Taehyung." I also felt the need to introduce myself. Then suddenly another courtier barged into my room and introduced himself, "Hello, I am Park Jimin." His face was also familiar, similar to one who was in the dinning hall. I again introduced myself to him. Then out of the blue Taehyung suddenly said, "Aren't you bored? Let's play a game!" I thought of agreeing to it and the three of us started playing games.

A filler part to be honest, next chapter will be out soon, stay tune....for it, be healthy and happy🧡.

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