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Here is a longer chapter for you guys, thank you for still reading this story, it really does mean a lot.

Seokjin's pov

For today we are going to go visit my parents grave then after that me and Taehyung are throwing a welcome home party for Jimin and Jihoon. Daehyun was picked back up by Hoseok earlier to take her back to the hospital and see Jimin. Only our friend group is going to be their so I am not really going to dress up because I am 20 weeks now so I just want to sleep really. I know none of our friends will not care anyways. So I just threw some lose(?don't know if that's how you spell it) pants and a hoodie. Namjoon was already ready so he was getting the boys dressed. After I put some shoes on I walked downstairs and started to make breakfast.

Once we ate breakfast we got in the car. "Momma, where are we going?" Minho asked from the back. "We are going to go visit grandma and grandpa. We haven't visited them since you guys were in my belly." I had a sad smile when I said that. Namjoon took my hand into his. He knows how hard it was for me. Hell he was with me when I got the call that my parents were in the car accident and was pronounced deceased on sight. The thought brought back memories so of course I started to cry. They said time helps you heal but I still feel the same pain as the day it happened. "Why momma cwying?" Yeonjun was now the one asking. This time Namjoon answered him.

"Well buddy, you know how I said sometimes people go to another happy place?" "Yeah me wemembebw(remember)" "well momma's momma and dada were in an accident and they went to that happy place. So momma is crying because he sad they aren't here anymore. Do you understand?" "Yesh I do." I was great full for Namjoon explaining it to the boys, even if they are only almost 2 and half years old. When Jisso is born they will be 2 years and 9 months old. We reached the graveyard not to long after that so me and Namjoon got out and I got Yeonjun well he got Minho. Yeonjun gave me a kiss on the lips then wiped the tears on my face away. "Thank you baby." I gave him a lot of kisses all over his face till he told me stop. It didn't take long to find my parent's grave. I set Yeonjun down then got on my knees and brushed the leaves off of their graves.

"Hi mom, hi dad." I looked down at their engraved names. "I brought the boys, I haven't brought them here since it was 2 weeks before I gave birth to them. But now they are about two and a half years old and I am also 20 weeks pregnant with our baby girl, Jisoo." Both the boys came and sat next to me and Namjoon sat behind me and rubbed my back. "Sorry we haven't came in so long, I really have no excuse. But I want to come back here today to tell you I am doing okay. I own my own bakery now. Just like you wanted mom." I sat there for a bit.

We left after a bit and then headed to Jimin's and Hoseok's house. Taehyung was decorating because he said he just wants me and Jisoo to be okay so I just let him. Once we got their Yoongi and Daehyun were here with their kids Minseok, Dojoon, and Woosung. Taehyung was hanging up the banner while Jungkook was playing with Taegguk, Woosung, Dojoon, and Minseok. When we walked in the twins went straight to the rest of the kids and Jungkook and started to play with them. Me and Namjoon went and sat next to Yoongi and Daehyun on the couch. "How have you guys been?" Daehyun asked us "we have been good, how about you guys?" "We have been good also. So how has the pregnancy been Seokjin?" Yoongi asked me. "Meh, am just tired a lot." We all laughed. Taehyung then came over to us and said that Hoseok , Jimin, Daehyun and Jihoon are on their way home.

We herd the door open then Daehyun came running in. Following was Jimin walking very slowly so me and Namjoon got up to help him walk to the couch. Then behind him was Hoseok with a baby carrier with a little face popping out of a blanket in it. Once we got Jimin sat down Hoseok put the baby carrier on the coffee table. Me and Namjoon sat down as Hoseok started to take Jihoon out. He showed Jihoon to all of us then gave him to Jimin. "So Jimin, how was it?"

"It fucking hurt, but I got my little jihoonie so I am okay with it." Jimin said and laughed, then stoped and wince. I forgot how much it hurt to give birth and how it hurt so bad after also. "Now I am scared." I put both hands on my baby bump. "You will be fine honey." Namjoon then but a hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "Yeah, your right." Taehyung got up then went over to Jimin to look at Jihoon. "Awwww he is so cute. JUNGKOOK WE NEED ANOTHER ONE!" Taehyung about screamed to Jungkook who was playing with the kids. "Sure babe just tell me when!!" Jungkook yelled back and wink at him.

We hung out just for another 30 minutes then we all left so Hoseok and Jimin can have moments with just them, Jihoon, and Daehyun. Once we got home I went straight to mine and Namjoon's bedroom and laid down. Namjoon put the boys to sleep then came into our bedroom. He took off his cloths till he was left in only underwear. He then laid down next to me and faced me. "C-can you hug me pl-please." I said with tears in my eyes. Namjoon opened his arms and I immediately snuggled up to his chest. That's when I broke down and started to sob. I was thinking about my parents all day long. Namjoon rubbed my back and kissed my forehead and just let me cry. I just kept thinking about when I got the call.

Me and Namjoon have been dating for a year so he came over to my house so we could watch movies and just cuddle. My parents were out for the day on a date also, so they won't be back till 10 tonight. It was certainly 11am and Namjoon was coming at 1pm so I was just putting everything together and cleaning up a bit. Before I knew it I herd a knock on the door. I opened the door and there was my boyfriend , I jumped on him and gave him a kiss. "Hi baby." "Hi Joonie." "Mom and dad don't come back till 10 and they said if you want you can stay the night." "Then I'll spend the night." "Yey!!!!!!"

It was 10:30 and me and Namjoon just finished a movie. "I wonder why they aren't back yet." I said to Namjoon and hugged him. "I am sure they are okay." He started to push his hands through my hair. It was getting later and later, and I was getting scarred more and more as time went by. My phone started to ring and I immediately picked it up with out looking at the caller ID. "Hello, is this Kim Seokjin?" "Yes this is him." "I am sorry to inform you, but your parents were in a car accident, and they were pronounced deceased on sight." "Wh-how but they. N-no." "I am sorry but if you can come to the hospital morgue tomorrow morning and just confirm it is them." "Y-yeah um I'll be there tomorrow morning." The phone was then hung up, and I started to sob my heart out.

"Baby what is wrong?" Namjoon brought me into a hug. "They- Namjoon they are gone." "What do you mean?" "They were in a car crash and they died." "Oh my, baby." "They asked me to come tomorrow morning to confirm it's them." "I'll be there with you baby. And from now on till we die. I know this isn't the right time but I did plan to do it when your parents got back but." Namjoon the grabbed something from his bag then opened it. There was a ring. "They probably said I could spend the night because they knew about this but baby. Will you marry me?" "Yes"

The rest of the night I didn't sleep and nether did Namjoon. At 8am we went to the hospital and it was them. A week later we had the funeral and Namjoon's mom let me stay at their house till we get a place to live. His dad wasn't that happy about it but he felt sad about my parents so he let it happen. We had our wedding after two years since we got engaged at 18 and 19 and moved into our now house. We were only 21 years old so it was hard but look at us now.

       End of Flashback

"I love you Seokjinnie." "I love you to Joonie." We then fell asleep with me waking up a few times through out the night.

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