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^^ new cover, sorry for the short chapter

Seokjin's pov

I just lay here staring at the ceiling because I can't sleep. I am 7 months pregnant, and my babies will not stop moving. My husband is also snoring right into my ear. I just keep thinking back to when I first met my Joonie. I thought he was the most handsome person in the world. Ah yes it's been 8 years since I met him, and of course I started to date him the same day.


I was at the coffee shops that I have been going to for years now ever morning. It was on the way to my work so I would come in and sit here for about half an hour then go to work. It was a nice and decorated with everything pastel. Even all the sweets the sell here were pastel color. The bell chimed so I looked over, being my nosy self. I have stoped breathing, like holy s:)t was this guy hot Or what. He has his black hair styled to cover one of his sexy eyes while he had light makeup on. Now I am not about to miss catching that piece of meat so I stood up and walked straight over to him and taped him on the solder. Now to act shy
ㅜㅅㅜ. When he turned around, I looked down and pulled a piece of my hair behind my ear. "H-hi I was um wondering if you would like to sit with me?" Okay bitch time to twist the foot and play with our thumbs. Good job, now we are definitely going to get him. "Well hello, and sure I don't see why not, let me order then I will go over to you." I nodded and walked back to my table.

I heard someone sit in the other chair so I looked up and saw him. "So what's your name" he said smirking. "Seokjin, Kim Seokjin actually, but most people just call me Jin. What's your name?" I asked keeping a little of my shyness but also making my self a bit sexy with leaning over and batting my eyes. "Well cutie my name is Kim Namjoon but you can call me what ever you want. "Hmmm how about, my boyfriend?" And scoreeee Seokjinnie. "Fine by me, now boyfriend what's your number?" "xxx-xxx-xxxx and you can call me anytime, even for a booty call, since your my boyfriend now." I winked towards him. "I just might have to."


I was pulled out of my thoughts when one of the twins kicked my bladder, witch lead me to running to the bathroom. Once I was finished I laid back in bed and put my arms around my husband and rested my head on his chest. Since the twins just love their daddy, I took one of his hands and put it where they were kicking. As soon as I placed his hand there the twins stoped kicking and I assume fell asleep which I followed soon after.

I woke up to one of the boys kicking me which told me Namjoon just took his hand off because these boys are drama queens just like me. "Namjoon you better put your hand back now if you don't want a grouchy seven month pregnant husband to deal with all day." "Wh- I have to use the bathroom though." "You better hurry." I then heard him run to the bathroom.

" I then heard him run to the bathroom

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