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A/N: guys ?? oh my god ? i completely forgot about this and i haven't logged into my account in forever. i was rereading pjo then i remembered i had a whole fanfic that i was writing a while ago. i checked on it and ?? people are still asking for updates ?? and are genuinely invested in this story ?? i seriously cant believe it. i really love y'all. i saw everyone's comments, and i just had to continue. i'm so sorry for the long wait. i'm not into mcga or pjo as much as i was before, but i still really enjoy it. i hope you enjoy this chapter, and thank you for the support
magnus pov
i really have no idea what to think. seriously.

i was finally able to overcome the initial shock of it all. i've accepted my untimely fate. bring it on world, there can't be anything worse.

is it possible for your soulmate to change? i've never even considered it, and i don't want to now.

halfborn has mallory's name on his inner thigh, a bit too close to his nether regions for comfort (don't ask me how i know. it was a traumatic experience, really). annabeth has percy's name plastered on her forearm, as if she needed a mark to know that percy was her one and only. i, on the other hand, have jordyn.

well, used to.

now i have the letter A.

a million questions rushed to my head. would another name take place of my previous soulmate's? is it even possible to have two soulmates in a lifetime? if so, who is mine?

my very, very intellectual thoughts were suddenly interrupted by distant yelling. what's new?

ah, yes. the one and only alex fierro.

i would do anything to talk to him right now. that is, as long as there wasn't any decapitation involved. i don't want to die again, especially during this midlife crisis with a chaotic green haired goblin involved.

to tell the truth, i've always noticed him. ever since he showed up at valhalla, i can't seem to keep my eyes off him. his multicolored eyes and vibrant hair are what stood out to me most. not to mention his... unique personality.

as much as he could be a pain in the ass, i can't imagine being here without him.

gods, who am i? i sound like the main character of those cheesy romance novels that i can't stand.

oh, but i don't like him or anything. of course not. just the thought of it seems unrealistic. him? no way.

wait, no. i'm making it seem like he's repulsive or something. he's not. definitely not. he's the complete opposite, actually.

gods, i hate my mind sometimes. i let out a frustrated sigh and rolled over on my bed.

could i text annabeth about this? she's smart. she'll know what to do, right? i'm tired of using my brain. she can do the work for me.

i took my phone from my pocket and texted annabeth.

hey annabeth, my dearest cousin! how are you doing? i hope you and percy are doing well. anyways, me and alex's soulmate marks disappeared, and we now have a single letter in place of them. any idea why this is happening? please let me know. i'm losing my mind here. by the way, what shampoo do you use? your hair is looking amazing! text me back asap.

that seems fine. i asked how her day was and got straight to the point. not too pushy (maybe a bit pushy), not too heavy on the flattery (hopefully). perfect? perfect.


i threw my phone on my chair and decided to take a well needed nap. i can't do much, but i can most definitely sleep through my problems. that's the one thing i excel at.

next thing i know, my phone beeps.

i've never shot out of my bed faster. that's not an exaggeration. i stumbled over to my phone and looked at the message.

i'm sorry, what in the gods name happened? i'm still trying to wrap my head around it, but i think i have somewhat of an explanation. you're dead, right? everyone has one soulmate in their lifetime. technically, your lifetime ended. because you were brought to valhalla, i guess you can consider it a start of a new lifetime. that's my best guess, magnus. also, thank you! the shampoo i use is actual-

i threw my phone back on the couch before i finished reading her text.

that makes sense. i guess i can consider this my second lifetime. it's not the weirdest thing i've encountered.

but why? why now of all times? why didn't it change as soon as i died? why alex, too? why both of us at the same time?

i debated whether or not to see alex. i doubt he would let me talk to him, but it's worth a try.

on second thought, he can be such a pain. we're both experiencing the same thing, yet he shut me out with no hesitation. i really wonder what he's thinking.

wait. oh wow. i just had a good idea. that's surprising, coming from me. maybe i could accidentally injure him, then use my fancy healing magic to see into his mind.

nope. as soon as i said it, i realized how bad of a plan it is. that's a huge invasion of privacy. i doubt he would appreciate that or even let me touch him for the matter.

the last thing i want to do is make him uncomfortable. i know how secretive he can be, and he doesn't like sharing his life with others. he might resent me for doing it, but i really might have to if he doesn't comply with me.

if only he could let it all out. all his thoughts, everything that crosses his mind. i want his input on this. no, i need his input. whether i do it by force or not is completely up to alex.

that's enough. i'm seeing him.

i ventured out of my room and towards alex's. i didn't hear yelling or shattering, so that was a good sign. i got to his door, and i stayed there for a good five minutes.

his initials. the letters A.F. were in bold letters across his door. as fuck. huh. his initials suit him quite well.




i pulled down my shirt to reveal my left shoulder.



that's not possible.

is it?

i'm just thinking too much. it's probably a coincidence. there are thousands of people who are dead and have A as the first letter of their name. my soulmate could be anyone. why am i even thinking this?

just as i fixed my shirt to cover my shoulder, alex swung the door open, hitting me flat in the nose. i stumbled back and almost fell flat on my ass. i bet alex would have liked to see that.

"what the hell, magnus?" alex exclaimed. "i told you. i would much rather prefer to be alone right now, thank you very much."

rude much? he didn't even bother to ask if i'm okay after attempting to brutally murder me. sigh.

"okay, well, i would much rather be with you, thank you very much." i responded.

i could have sworn i saw his face redden. he coughed and put on this 'don't screw with me' look. knowing what he's capable of, i decided to not screw with him.

"thirty seconds. you have thirty seconds to talk, maggie, then i'm leaving." alex said.

alright, bet.

and the thirty seconds begun.

A/N: i'm still overwhelmed at the amount of support despite being gone for almost two years. again, i'm truly sorry. i hope you all are doing well in the midst of the pandemic and this crazy year. i'll try my best to update regularly. i might just update a bunch this week, or maybe one chapter a week, i don't know yet. just know, more is coming. if a month goes by without an update, please comment and remind me! i seriously don't want to go another two years without updating. thank you to those who have stuck with me all this time <3

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