Our First Christmas

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TW: mentions of previous character death, mentions of blood

"Well, Merry Christmas," Theo muttered, hands chained to the wall. His heart or Tara's heart that is, was beating out of his chest as much as he tried to stop the tears before they fell. He could feel them lying on his cheek. They took the one thing from him that could make him actually feel something.

"You too, Theo, you too," Nolan mumbled, trying to twist his wrists out of the restraints. He felt blood dripping down his arms, but he knew him getting loose might be their only chance.

"What do you think they want?" Corey looked up, trying to slide closer to Mason.

"Well, apparently Liam," Mason answered, pulling his chains closer to the chameleon.

"Why did they take all of us then?" Alec cried, clearly shaking. The younger boy was scared; you could see it.

"Because they know if they didn't take us off guard, I would kill them if they laid one hand on him," Theo answered.

"They want his blood; I heard them say it," Corey whispered.

"But Alec is a werewolf too, why did they not take him as well?" Nolan looked up.

"He's not an alpha," Theo rolled his eyes, "Nolan, I don't think you are going to get out of those."

"I'm the only one they are at least loose on; I'm going to get out."

"We are going to get out of here and rescue him," Mason stated.

Theo sat there in silence, trying to figure out something, he had to save him. He looked down at his wrist, the leather bracelet he had made for their relationship was staring back up at him. He had a matching one made for Liam; the first Christmas present he had ever given someone. He had to break out.

(19 hours earlier)

"Good morning!" Liam jumped up in bed as soon as he woke up.

"Li, it's six AM, go back to sleep," Theo growled, rolling over, attempting to pull the covers over his head.

"It's Christmas, Theo!" Liam pulled the blanket off of him.

"Actually, it's December 25th, the holiday is an abstract commercial scheme to cure seasonal depression for one day," Theo muttered.

"But you get to spend time with family, friends, you can feel the love and joy in the air, you watch pretty lights, give and receive presents, eat Christmas cookies, and sing Christmas carols, it's the best time of the year," Liam smiled.

"What are you a Christmas spokesperson? If you haven't figured it out, I haven't had a Merry Christmas since I've been eight."

"Well, we are about ready to change that," Liam smirked, kissing the chimera on the lips.

Three months, they have been together for three months. After a few days of Liam's annoying pleas, he agreed to move into the Dunbar-Geyer household. He started working for Deaton, helping out Liam and his friends, pushing his past aside. He didn't even know what happened a week or so after the pack rescued Alec, everyone left Beacon Hills for college, Paris, and whatever Argent and Derek decided to hunt down. Liam was left in charge, but he wasn't alone. Sure, Parrish, Stilinski, and Deaton were still in town, but Liam needed a pack. Mason, Corey, and Theo were at his side; they quickly drug Alec into their little puppy pack as Stiles decided to call it. Nolan kind of just started following them around, having no one left. Until the first supernatural threat happened, he saved Alec by shooting an arrow into a vampire's leg. After that, they officially accepted him as a member of their "pack." Everything seemed to be looking up, a few small fights against rouge hunters, a random supernatural with vengeance coming through town, it wasn't until a new alpha decided to try to take over Beacon Hills. Malicious intent, various murders of citizens, the puppy pack had no choice, but to fight against him. Theo jumped on him after Liam was promptly thrown off the werewolf's back, except the man was strong. He quickly pinned Theo to the ground, cutting off his oxygen. He was pretty sure he saw Tara's figure as his vision began to fade; he was that close to death. Suddenly, the grasp released, and Theo took in a breath. Nolan and Alec quickly pulled him up as they were all staring at the sight in front of them. The chimera regained his barring, staring at the dead body of the alpha. A certain former beta, standing over him blood on his claws, tears in his eyes. He looked at Liam as his eyes flashed up red and walked up to him wrapping him in his arms. Liam saved his life, sacrificing his innocence for him. As soon as Theo's hands touch his, his eyes returned to his usual light blue.

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