Ranger writing

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Keith pulled a book from the bookcase in front of his and looked through the opening. On the other side of the bookcase, Keith could see his friends Kate and Rhythmi, quietly chatting and giggling. Keith smirked and put the book back and turned to the blond he was sneaking around with.

"Okay Isaac," Keith whispered, putting a hand on the blond's shoulder, "I'll distract Rhyth. You go ask Kate out."

Isaac was blushing furiously and was gripping his large math textbook to his chest, "W-What if she says no?" He whispered back.

Keith rolled his eyes, "She's totally into you- she won't say no."

Before Isaac could list the many ways it could, indeed, go wrong, Keith pulled another book from the shelf and made sure the girls noticed this time.

"Hey Rhyth!" He whispered.

Rhythmi and Kate both frowned and looked around. They finally noticed half of their friend Keith's face on the other side of the bookshelf.

"What are you doing?" Rhythmi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Meet me in the back section!"

"What? Why? When?

"Why you gotta ask so many questions?"

"Hi Keith!" Kate whispered.

"Hi Kate!"

Rhythmi rolled her eyes, "Fine. See ya later, Kate."

As Keith and Rhythmi strolled off together, Kate turned her attention back to one of the other bookshelves. She furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to find the book she was looking for.

"Need a hand?" Isaac asked quietly, walking into Kate's little section of the library.

Kate turned and gave Isaac a soft smile, "Yes please."

Isaac blushed and gripped his text book tighter, "What are you looking for?"

"Something about Styler Energy," She said unenthusiastically, "Ms. April is making me write a report on it."

Isaac nodded and searched the bookshelf facing Kate's back, "Just you?"

"She's making Keith write his on it too. The other kids got something else."

"I forgot your class is mostly rangers and operators."

"Well doesn't it make more sense to keep the rangers and operators together and the mechanics and scientists together?"

Isaac shrugged, "I guess, yeah."

Isaac noticed a book on the bottom shelf and reached down to grab it. The cover read, "Ranger stylers: How to conserve energy, handle, and fix broken parts!". Isaac cringed at the title and opened the book. It in itself was a bit old. He skimmed the part about styler energy and tapped Kate on the shoulder.

The brunette turned to him as he handed her the book, "It's a little dated," Isaac said, "But a lot of it still applies."

Kate frowned as she flipped through the pages, "How will I know what doesn't apply anymore?"

"Skip the part about recharging and you should be fine."

Kate flashed Isaac a warm smile, "Thanks!"

Isaac felt his face heat up, "N-No problem."

Kate looked back down at the book and began walking away.

"W-Wait!" Isaac sputtered.

Kate stopped and turned towards Isaac. She frowned and raised her eyebrows.

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