23~ dun

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The long week was soon coming to an end as I continued the never-ending practicing with the other GROUNDERS. I moved my body in sync with the other girls as I examined myself closely through the mirror.

"Soojin! Are you excited for the final test?" chimed the girl practising next to me.

This girl never fails to make me smile.

"I think I'm more nervous than excited Haeun." I admitted cupping the side of my neck.

"Out of all the GROUNDERS, you will surely make it to the 8 finalists!" she exclaimed as she jumped excitedly.

After this test there will be only 8 girls left on the competition.

Making the final 7 is way harder than I thought.

"Nah I think we all have a pretty good chance. You got this girl!" I cheered as the older girl nodded and got back to her dancing.

I don't know if I'm ready for this.

My mind brought me back to the series of events that unfolded the past week. I shivered at my thoughts.

I don't think I'm ready to face Jake and Heesung.

Brushing off the uncomfortable feeling, I suddenly jumped as a loud voice boomed through the speakers.

"GROUNDERS, please prepare yourself for your performance."

We all looked at each other with mixed feelings of fear and anticipation.

"We got this girls! Let's do our best till the very end!" cheering one of the girls as we all gathered for a group hug.

Tears slowly filled the corners of my eyes as I began to take notice of the other sobbing girls. The sombre atmosphere pained my chest as the reality soon hit me.

Not all of us are going to make it into the I-LAND.
This may be our last performance.

I rubbed the backs of the crying girls as they began to burst into heartfelt tears.
Every single one of these talented, passionate girls deserve to debut and knowing that they may not get there pained me.

"Don't cry guys. This is not the end! We will not give up even if we fail, right?" spoke another girl as she sobbed into another girl's shoulder.

All of a sudden there was a bang on the door.

"Okay girls, please make your way backstage. Your performance will begin soon."

We all nodded politely as we watched the staff member's eyes soften at the sight.
Looking at each other with hope in our eyes, we formed a circle and placed our hands in the middle.

"On three, GROUNDERS." spoke Haeun as she held her hand firmly on top of the others.

"One, two..."




"Alright! Time has flown past and it is now the last test to determine the 8 finalists!" exclaimed Chu as she clapped her hands together excitedly.

"Yes! Today we will be watching performances from both the I-LANDERS and the GROUNDERS to determine the top 8 applicants." informed Chungha.

"Many applicants will be cut tonight and it does not matter whether you are in the I-LAND or the GROUND, everyone will be evaluated equally." spoke Hyunsik.

The judges and hosts all nodded there heads agreeingly.

"Look! It looks like the I-LANDERS are now taking there positions!" spoke Sunmi pointing to the stage through the screen.

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