26~ hospital

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Light entered my eyes as I sat up in my bed yawning.

"Good morning Soojinnie!" I sang sleepily as I stretched my limbs outwards across my bed.

Failing to hear the girl's response, I turned my head over to her bed opposite me and readjusted my vision.

"Yah Soojin-ah wake up we have to practice soon." I called a little more aggressive than before. 

Finally fed up of the girl's inability to wake up, I crawled out of my spot and uncovered her sheets in a quick motion. To my surprise, the younger girl was no where to be seen.

She's never awake before me.
Where could she be?

Confused by the sight, I eagerly left the bedroom and made my way around the house in a search to find her. Peeking my head into every room I suddenly saw the figure of a girl with long black hair.

"Soojin?" I called hesitant to see if it was her. 

The figure turned around revealing one of our close friends Hwang Jiwoo.

"Oh Chohee! It's me. I don't think Soojin is around here sorry." she replied as she munched on a crunchy apple.

"Oh that's okay." I spoke before leaving the room and resuming my search for Soojin.

That's strange.
She's not in any of her usual spots.

Gradually getting more and more worried, I soon entered the lounge. As I walked around the couches, I glanced outside to the balcony and caught the sight of a small figure on the floor.

"SOOJIN?!" I gasped covering my mouth before sprinting outside onto the wooden deck and approaching the young girl.

Her body was curled up in a loose ball and her face was pale like a ghost. Her eyes were red and swollen as her lips had turned blue. I picked up her small hand and shivered at how cold it was.

Was she out here the entire night?
What happened to her?

Feeling my heart race in concern for my friend, I quickly lifted her up and brought her inside. I laid her down onto the couch carefully before quickly making my way over to the cupboard near the kitchen. I slammed open the drawer before picking up the device labelled 'EMERGENCY PHONE'.

I quickly clicked the speed dial number before anxiously waiting for the someone to pick up. Finally I heard a voice muffle through the speaker.

"Hello, is everything okay?" I heard one of the staff members speak.

"No. Park Soojin is unconscious."



"Quick bring the medical team up to the I-LAND!" yelled one of the staff members as soon all the staff began scurrying all over the place.

Oh no.
Did someone get hurt? 

But it's so early in the morning, what could have happened?

Having my early morning quiet time disrupted, concerned thoughts ran through my mind. I watched the medical term rush out to the I-LAND facility.

As curiosity washed over my mind, I decided to tap one of the staff members and ask them what had happened.

"One of the applicants is unconscious" they spoke before running off to follow the medical team.

Holy crap. 
That sounds really serious.
I hope she's okay.

As I sat on my stool watching the chaos unfold, I soon noticed our CEO Bang Si hyuk enter the room. I watched as a staff member suddenly approached him and spoke in distressed manner. All of a sudden, my ears picked up a name that caused my heart to shatter.

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