Nine:Challenge -pt2

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Y/n pov

I arrived at the academy just right after Ali arrived.And I kind noticed how Ali was getting weird looks and laughs.People need to realize that everybody starts at the bottom.How childish of them.I adjusted SPOT properly onto my face and continued to walked in.

Walking past Khai and Moon who was (kinda) telling Ali about why he was getting the looks.

3rd pov

"well,you have IRIS right?But your not that great" Moon blurted out like how she would.

Khai facepalmed himself after trying to stop Moon from saying it.

"Just ignore them Ali,because they should know that just because someone has IRIS it doesn't mean the person using it has to be AMAZING" She said that part out loud on purpose.The other heard what she said quickly minded thier own business as they sweatdropped guiltily.

"Trust me,listening to them brings you no where,so just keep training and practicing,and trust me,you'll be on my level in no time" she placed her hand Ali's shoulder and gave him a determine smile.The smile that could kill people at once they see it.

"A-alright,thank Y/n" Ali's face turned slightly red.Y/n just nodded and left the free room to head elsewhere .

"hmm...hey do you guys realise how Y/n is like the best one among us?shes like even better than Rudy.Even during the time she just arrived,she seemed like she knew Agent Karya" Moon whispered.

"yea,actually!Not only that,she knows every part of the academy perfectly, every rule and even how our gadgets work eventhought it was her first few weeks here!" Khai also shared what he had seen.

"Yea..Also she's really good at combat.Every time when im againts her during combat training,it seems like she knows exactly what move im going to do next.."Ali sighed,knowing he lost every time he's againts Y/n

"its like she has.."

"IRIS!" the three of them said in a synchronize.

"ah no way! IRIS is a very high tech gadget!!!,I think.." Moon scratched her head.

"she seemed to be friends with Alicia way before the Academy,but Alicia wont tell me anything" The three of them began to wonder.

"and lastly...We never actually have seen her face before!!" Moon said out loud.

The other agents who were at the free room also began to wonder how she actually looked like,expecially the boys who had their own 'excidents' with

Expecially Rudy,Khai,Chris,Zass and Jet.

"So we all are curious huh"


Walking at their own distance in the so-like factory was Ali,Alicia,Y/n,Rudy and Agent Bakar.

Ali was clearly annoyed that Rudy was there too.But Rudy didn't seem to show any other face expression,just like he is everyday.

"wow!this place is amazing.It even operates without any human labor" Bakar praised the working machines around them.

"oh your right,I didn't even notice that theres no one here" Ali speaked up as he looked around him.

"Even with IRIS you still didn't notice?" Rudy said.

Ali began to get even annoyed at Rudy.He stopped behind with Bakar and ranted out.

The one who were still walking left was Rudy and Y/n.Everything was still pretty akward for both of them.

"But uncle i-"

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