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"Alrights guys,their coming.Stay alert" Sir Karya said,standing steadily on the bridge that was above the highway.

Y/n,Chris,Rudy and Iman stood straight,in a ready pose.

They focused on their target,the so called Komeng and his crew.
They were riding their motorcycles histerically,not bothering as they were damaging the other vehicles.

"ALRIGHT GENG!OPEN THE LORRY" Komeng said,standing on his motorcycle,suprisingly not falling off.

The crew jumped on the back of a lorry,that is contained with a new c-gadget that was supposed to be released the next day.

Komeng's guys used crowbars to open the lock,but they struggled a little as the lorry was moving quiet fast.

"Now" karya said shortly,as the lorry was about to reach right under bridge

The agents began to move,2 on each side as Karya went straight down, landing on a big lorry the was infront of
the main lorry that was being targeted.

Y/n and Chris attacked in a synchronise, using their weapons on the other guys that was riding side to side with their boss.

Komeng got shock of the sudden ambush,he groaned loudly.

"UGHH THIS AGENTS" he Grunted angrily.

Iman and Rudy was fast to jump from vehicle to vehicle to get to the other crewsman.

Y/n kicked off one of them and tried to take control of the bike,to chase Komeng who was trying to get away.

She was about to jump off the bike and pounce on Komeng when She saw Kris being pushed off the bike he was on.

Y/n being quick,she made a fast U-turn and was able to catch him before he fell off.

Iman and Rudy was seemed to be perfectly fine with Karya,blocking Komeng's men from the lorry.

Once she tried to get back to Komeng,it seemed like he was able to get in trough the window and took over the lorry.

He drove it fastly away,not caring of the people he was banging.
Karya,Rudy,Iman amd both of them looked at each other in failure.

"Come on!Lets get them" Y/n shouted as she leaded the group,following Komeng and his men.


Komeng drov till they reached to a place where they usally put the other storage boxes.Parking it there,he got off and reunited with his men.

"Move!" He shoved one of them away,he was actually really short compared to his hencemen.

Now rubbing his palm together just like after stealing a candy from a baby,he odered one to open the storage box the was on the lorry.

"What is in it boss?" One asked,having to bend down a little,to talk to he's short boss.

"I dont know either,but if its C-Tect.We'll be lucky!" He happily smirked.

One of them took out a metal looking box and layed it on the floor,then putting in the pin that was supposed to open the box of tools.

He choosed a crowbar out of all the others,then going to the storage box to force it open.

Komeng and his men just sat back and observed the other one when a voice was heard to stop them.

Looking back,it was the Agents who has arrived to stop them.
"HAH? How did they get here?!" Komeng grunted agrily.

Karya and the young agents charged at them.Attacking each of them one per one.

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