chapter 5

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Today, Sir Aizawa will not teach them instead, another pro hero that he didn't mention so the students are left waiting to see who this certain pro hero is. Students chatter, excited about who this hero is and some minding their own business completely ignoring the others.

Hearing the bell ring for lunch to end, they all left the cafeteria to walk toward their classes after munching on some delicious lunch prepared by Pro Hero: Lunch Rush. Class 1-A sat for a moment, praying to every god that exists for Iida to stop yelling about they should behave and whatnot.

Minutes after, Iida stopped and everyone sat in silence they don't know if it was awkward or not. This Professional Hero is late, the clock is ticking and everyone is getting tired of waiting. 

"I am coming through the door like a normal person!" Swinged the all-mighty number one hero, All Might. He came through the door like someone is pushing him from behind, so tall he almost bumped his head on the doorframe and loud that everyone is caught off guard.

Excited whispers and mutterings were heard throughout the room, the students did not expect him to appear and teach them for today's lesson. The number one here teaching high school students? That's not happening every day.

"Now, the key to being a great hero is a cool here costume!" He announced, suitcases appeared on the wall and has the student's seat numbers on them. 

"Go to Groud Beta, and meet me there with your costumes on!" with a smile on his face, the students were hyped for today's activity, and let them get the suitcases on the wall.

(Name) stood up and attempted to get the suitcase. Attempted. It was on the tallest point and she couldn't reach it with her height no matter what she did, luckily a classmate of hers, Yaoyorazu stood on her toes and got (name)'s suitcase for her. 

She quickly let her arm crawl back to the rest of her body before grabbing the case from Yaoyorazu's hands.

Yaoyorazu really is a kind girl, a smart and beautiful one too. A standard in this society. the polar opposite of (name). The girl thanked the taller one quietly and left the room to change but failed to notice the surprised look of some of her classmates, especially curious red orbs and suspicious blue and grey.

In a small timeslip, everyone looked so cool and fabulous with their hero costumes on. Some were simple, some were over the top like that one blonde boy with sparkles. Soon enough, the last person made it and the students started to head towards the light to meet their instructor, All Might at the very end of the tunnel.

The Pro Hero explained what the students will do for today's activity. Two students will pair up and two teams will battle. Team heroes and villains. Villains have a 'bomb' hidden inside the building and its team heroes' job to retrieve the object.

(name) is being partnered with Jirou, a girl with short purple hair with ears that has wires on them. She couldn't tell how that works, she was too shy to ask the girl how her quirk works. Both of them were going to battle Tokoyami Fumikage, a boy who has a talking shadow as a quirk, and Tsuyu Asui, a girl who prefers to be called "Tsu" and acts like a frog. A frog girl in (name)'s vocabulary. 

It was their turn with her and Jirou playing as heroes and the other two as the villains, All Might announced that the game will begin and the girls quickly went inside the building.

"Do you hear th-them..Jirou-san.?" (name) asked, she figured that with those wiry things on her ears, maybe her quirk allows her to hear inhumane things. She didn't know but the (hair color) head hope her guess is right. (name) was surprised when the wiry things plugged themselves into the wall, leaving two tiny holes. 

"fourth floor, (Last name)-san. To the left." Jirou smiled, muttering her words.

Quietly, we walked to the fourth floor, having to prepare her weaponry in hand. Soon, the shadow thing felt their presence and attacked the girls, hitting (name)'s partner, a groan leaving Jirou's mouth.

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