chapter 2

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"what..? S-sayori's not here with me any..more?" She asked one more time, her friend was in tears.

"Yes, I'm sorry (name) but, Mom and dad suddenly want to move to the west! The hero school in the west is Shiketsu high so I'm afraid we can't be together and form a duo." She whined, letting tears flow everywhere.

"..okay..I- I'll miss you too." was all her friend muttered, rubbing her orange locks softly.

"I'll miss you too, (name)! I won't forget you and the memories we shared together for these past months!" Tightening her hold, her loud cries were to be heard from a distance.

"I promise we'll meet again someday! I'll become a hero to be with you in the future, (Name)!" Exclaiming, the (hair color)ed haired female felt as though her ears will burst from her friend's volume.

"Me too," i replied, not matching her tone.

"I'll get going now, (name). Here, take these." Leaving two small pins decorated as ribbons on my hand, they were bloody red and sparkling gorgeous.

"Bye!" Sayori's distant yell was heard throughout the neighborhood, disturbing a few neighbors and leaving her alone with two red pins decorated as ribbons. She felt empty yet a small tingle of appreciation ignited in her chest.

she stared at the pretty red ribbons in her hands, tying her hair using them. Vowing mentally that she'll wear it every day to at least let her remember that she's not all alone, they will meet soon and this was not a goodbye.

U.A. high's accepting new students this year, (name) was handed a recommendation letter from the school. Apparently, she was one of the recommended students due to her parents' reputation, which she gladly accepted with no hesitancy. 

She's ready for that day when she'll train to become a hero. Just like them.


Looking at herself in the mirror wearing U.A.'s official uniform given to her, fresh from the laundry. She felt excited yet, nervous. Thousand of thoughts ran into her mind as time flew. she was self-conscious about her appearance and she didn't know how others will treat her. Sayori changed her perspective, hope was ignited in her. Hope that someone will befriend her, someone who will be beside her. People who will treat her equally.

she took a deep breath before grabbing her bag and exit her small house, deciding to buy breakfast on the way to school. She might buy a little more than usual knowing that Hero schools aren't normal.

Her journey to school was peaceful yet somehow painful. Noticing how people distance themselves from her figure was obvious, the look in their eyes was familiar. The emotions within them were obvious. It was either fear or disgust.

Although this was not the first time she experienced it, it still gave her the feeling of being a small, disgusting, ugly creature that no one must touch nor see. She couldn't get used to those stares, those expressions, and body language. 

Along her way to school, she sat on an empty seat on the bus. Thinking that there was not much time before school started, she decided to take the bus for a faster pace.

On the ride, she noticed a woman with night sky hair that reached just below her butt with dazzling sky blue eyes. (name) had to admit, she was attractive. She envied her beauty, how she was so flawless despite being somewhat older. Maybe around her late twenties or thirties.

The girl knew she couldn't be like her, no matter what she do. There was no surgery to fix her appearance, no magic spell to cure her curse. Nothing. She was stuck in this body until the day she dies.

Analyzing the woman, soon noticed how many bags she was carrying. It was about 7 and all seem full. She was rather surprised by the amount the woman can carry, she wasn't that muscular and the bags seem heavy. And it didn't help that she was standing on the bus.

A hero must help people in need right? Even though this woman seem to handle it just fine, she couldn't help but feel a small pity for her. Carrying one or two bags is already a pain and she's carrying seven. Should she help her? or should she leave her alone?

"E-excuse me miss..?" Before she knew it, she was approaching the woman.

Said woman hummed, shifting her attention to the zombie-like student from her phone.

"S-sit on seat, please. You l-look like you're st-struggling with the bags.." she stuttered. Stuttering was something she hated, it was part of her so-called quirk which she would like to refer to as a curse.

She thought the woman would ignore her, glare at her, or show disgust. What surprised her was a pat on the head and a smile on her face, (name) flinched from the pat. Startled by the sudden act.

"Thank you, young lady." Her voice was gentle, almost like a mother's and her hand was still on the girl's head. Without her notice, (name)'s cheeks went pink and hot. Receiving pats was nice.

The lady gladly went to the empty seat (name) previously sat on after collecting the bags with the help of the teenager.

A small leap of time..

Hizashi and Sekijiro were craving snacks and fruits meanwhile Aizawa wanted coffee and a new sleeping bag. Principal Nezu requested his usual 20 packs of Green tea and Cementoss needed things for something he was working on. The others didn't want anything at the moment which Nemuri sighed in relief with. 

The woman did not need any more requests from her peers, they were already too much and all she wanted was to get the limited edition clothes from her favorite brand.

"Here are your things.." she walked towards her chair, plopping down gracefully.

"Thank you, Miss Kayama." The small principal thanked her, opening the package of tea he requested.

"by the way.." she started, looking up the ceiling while her peers took what they requested her to buy from the market. They all hummed at once, not batting an eye at the lady.

"Remember Frank and Suzuki's daughter?" she asked, looking over at her peers who stopped what they were doing and turned to look at her.

"Yeah, why?" Aizawa replied.

"Kind of met her at the bus earlier, she's sweet. She grew up to be a good young lady, she leans more on the shy type though." The woman chuckled, twirling a piece of her dark hair.

"Is that so?" Sekijiro murmured, grabbing pieces of paper.

"yeah! Her quirk's a special one. It played a major role on her body." Kayama grabbed her own shopped clothes from one of the bags, analyzing it.

"Miss (last name)'s quirk does play a big role in her body and its functions. Her quirk, Zombie does not only affect her physical body but also her brain function and because of that, the way she talks is slow. Her voice also is lower than an average girl's. I believe this is inherited from her father's quirk." The small principal explained, sipping his freshly brewed tea.

"I see..thank you for that information, sir." Nodding, Kayama understood a little about how her niece's quirk works.

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