Dear diary,
Yesterday he told me to enter a tuition class, because my science and mathematics score is low, C
N i told him, it's because belajar nda face to face is really hard. It's hard for me to understand what teacher say. I even give him my markah exam pertengahan tahun, i got B because i can understand easily when it's psychical lesson.
N he still say, its low. Its still low
What? Do u expect me to get A?
Last time, u even say B can be count as high, but then now u say its low.
I tell u about what u say, n u say
" B tu macam ditengah tengah, kalau dapat b, masi boleh turun pigi C. Tapi kalau dapat A, kalau turun pigi B masi ok "u know what? Just straight to point that im not good enough. Its hurt u know
haih, masa peperiksaan awal tahun i got 100% in math, u didn't even say congrats to me.
U instead say congrats to sis sebab dia dapat kebanyakan a sama b