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Can't even be punctual for the finale of this fanfic... I hope you guys enjoyed it's been quite the journey lol

He waited a few moments before his face lit up. He'd heard a response. "Are you in the incinerator?"

"Automatic incineration will take place in... seven minutes."

"Junpei, hurry up." Clover rushed.

He stared down at the machine nodding to himself. Nodding to whatever Akane was telling him. "Got it."

All of us were brought here for this exact moment. All of this was planned to lead up to this exact second. Akane had created the history of the future that she had a glimpse of nine years ago. She tried desperately to save herself in the incinerator nine years ago, but now... This was the real moment. Finally, Junpei could hear her pleas for help.

"Automatic incineration will take place in... six minutes."

"Hang on. I promise I'll get you out of there! I'm not gonna let you die! I promise!" Junpei shouted. The same thing Aoi had promised his sister nine years ago...

"It's gonna be alright! I'll figure something out, I promise! I promise, okay? You hear me? I promise!"

The room was hot now, shimmering with heat. Not many people could say they'd come so close to burning to death.

"Aoi, I'm scared."

"Deep breaths. I won't let you die. I promise."

The burn of the air had traveled through (Y/N)'s lungs to her heart. Six minutes or not, it burned with her feelings for Aoi. She wanted to see him again, no way was she burning to death before she got a proper kiss.

Snake's eyes flicked around the group. "If we happen to die here, I just wanted to say how special each of you is to me." The three broke out in a smile, tackling the blind man in a hug.

"Don't say that!" Clover whimpered, digging her head into her brother's chest.

"Light, Can I ask you something?" He raised a brow to the shorter girl's question. "Do you and Clover have a resonance?"

Clover and Light shared a knowing look. "Well, we used to."

"Used to?"

Light was the first to answer. "Nine years ago, when we were trapped on the Gigantic, I said Clover was helping me solve the puzzles. That much was the truth, but..."

Clover hummed, trying to piece what she was going to say together. "They say to access the morphogenetic fieldset you have to be in a life or death situation." (Y/N) gestured around the room. "Yeah, but we're together. And there's no problem to solve, so what would be the point?"

"I guess you're right..."

"Wondering why you can hear me regardless?"

"I guess. I just figure it's a little strange."

"You're the one making it like this. Somehow you figured out how to manipulate the morphogenetic fieldset."

"Like Akane?"

"Kind of. She can see the future through Junpei as her past self and you can access me whenever and wherever. I think it's a coping mechanism."

"So you only talk when I want you too?"

"Seems like it. I've tried to talk to you before, but you're always the one calling the shots."

"Weird..." (Y/N) muttered to herself. So she was another anomaly...

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