Eternal Spines In Desperate Times

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I found myself alone, awash in a sea of void and loneliness. This wasn't what I wanted, how could my love incantation have gone so wrong? I thought when I finished reciting the tomes, a beautiful being would appear before me. Instead, I myself was transported, and had no idea where I was. All I knew was my heart was filled with confusion, panic... longing.

There was no solace, no peace in this inky dark. I felt the ground beneath my toes. It was soft. Grass? No. Fur. Fabric. No sooner did this realization rattle me to my teeth than I felt a shuddering beneath me. A sound filled my mind. Creaking. Unlubricated squeaking upon squeaking; a symphony of twisting plastic spine roared around me as the shifting of black fabric swept me off my feet. I began to fall, only to be snatched by a warm, serpentine embrace. My heart slammed within my chest, and my breath became shallow, my cheeks flushing as I felt helpless beneath the grasp of this benevolent, loving, eldritch entity.

My eyes nearly fried from their skull as I witnessed the infinite, winding strip of yellow plaid rising before me. I followed the yellow shirt road with my gaze, dreading yet driven by obsession to find what lay at its apex. An inkling of thought trickled through my quivering sanity... Did the love incantation work after all?

To this day, I still do not know what was more terrifying; the question, or the answer.

I looked skyward to meet the being I was ensnared by, only to be met with eyes. Two great piercing azure stars, piercing my soul with their holy gaze. Before I could open my mouth to speak, to cry, to wail, to moan... I felt the rush of wind as the head of my otherworldly captor swooped down to my level, my frail being a mere plaything at the mercy of a great, sharp beak.

I surrendered to the unknowable gaze as my mind faded into an abstract porridge of love and bliss, the last cogent thought running through my mind a mere figment of normalcy... the day of which my life was changed forever:


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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