Chapter 2 - I will protect you!

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Snowy's P.O.V

I was going home while listening to some musics, I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and suddenly, I bumped into another plant.

Peater: Ouch! I-I'm sorry! Are you alright?

When he finished talking, he became speechless and began to blush.

Me: Yeah, I'm fine...

Peater: You must be the new girl, right? Well, I'm am very sorry about that!

Me: What are you talking about?

Peater: The way I looked at you, I didn't wanted you to think I was a pervert or something, it is just that I...

Peater's P.O.V

I was trying to find the right words without looking weird

Me: It's just that...I've never seen such beauty and cuteness before...I mean, yeah, I also don't want you to think I fell in love with you, of course.

After I said that, she also began to blush. To stop things from getting weird between us, I've decided to change the topic.

Me: I'm Peater the Repeater.

I nervously laughed.

Snowy: Snowy the Snow Pea.

She giggled.

Snowy: Well, it was good to talk with you, Peater, but I gotta go. Bye!

Me: Bye!

This time, I could feel my face blushing even more than the last time I saw her

Me (on my thoughts): "idiot, idiot, idiot! i'm such an idiot! i could've just said "welcome to the team!" or something like that!"

Lot's of thoughts (both positive and negative) were filling my whole mind

When I got at home, I went to the kitchen to make some tea, I grabbed a cup, went to my room and I decided to play online on my computer to forget what happened today

Time passed by until the sky started to get dark and it became night, I was minding my business, the emergency alarm started playing, it was a warning for all plants to get ready and fortified before going fight on the lawn since it was going to be a survival night (you might be probably confused, so let me explain, most of the time, zombies are more powerful when it is night, however, when they really get powerful, we plants have to come ready and fortified, it might vary between 5 and 10 waves, sometimes even more, that's why we call it survival)

My heart started beating fast, I never enjoyed survival nights very much, I prefer survival days. "Luckily", it only was five waves, or maybe I thought I had luck.

From the third wave onwards, things started to get really hard, a huge amount of zombies were coming in each lane, some plants were injured, I was giving my best to kill as many zombies as possible, things were going easy, until I heard a plant asking for help, at first, I was ignoring it, since it is in the rules, (Rule #23: with the exception of some plants, it is not allowed to interfer in other lanes) but, once I heard it, that voice sounded familiar, I turned my head and I couldn't believe what I was looking at. On the next lane, there was lot of injured plants which couldn't battle at the moment, and in the middle of all those injured plants, there was Snowy crying for help, she was too tired and the amount of peas she was shooting wasn't enough to slow down and kill all the zombies, watching that scene for a moment broke my heart, looking those blue and bright eyes filling with tears. I know something has to be done, I was walking straight to the other lane where Snowy was. Jack watching the whole scene grabbed my leaf. (which would be the same as grabbing someone else's arm)

Jack: Yo! What are you doing?!

Me: Can't you see she's in danger?!

Jack: Can't you remember Rule #23?! You can't interfer on other lanes!

Me: I don't give a hell about Rule 23! If I don't help Snowy she will die!

Jack: *sigh* Fine, now go, quick!

I quickly ran to the other lane and planted myself right in front of Snowy then, I opened my leaves so I could stay in a protection stance

Snowy: Peater?! (she still didn't knew about the rules back then)

Me: Step back! I will protect you!

Snowy: But, there's a lot of zombies, I don't think you'll be able of dealing with them!

Me: Relax, don't worry about me...
Bring it on, you stupid monsters!

I started to shoot as many peas as I could, I was starting to get tired and I couldn't take shooting another pea anymore, but the fact I was protecting her made me stronger, I kept shooting until I cleared the last wave, that would be the time to celebrate, if I wasn't feeling so weak, after I was done, I basically fainted, all I remember was waking up in a bed in the hospital...

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