(A/N):this is book 2 to the Spotlight ; Lil Peep series. I wanted to start writing again and it's been awhile since I updated so here is a sequel
Halo's POV:
Rose and I watch Netflix, Scary Movie 5 to be exact. We giggle at the inappropriate scenes as if we're just turning 13. We chill in Gus's room on the King size mattress.
I helped Rose wash clothes and tidy up his room. They recently painted the walls a light grey and got new black carpet. It smells of cinnamon, Gus's favorite smell according to Rose.
Things have been going good for everyone here. Gus and Tracy practice in a studio they made here with a guy named Horse Head. With them practicing, Rose and me got a lot closer making us almost sisters.
It's good that Gus and Rose are happy but they have their moments. When Gus is stressed, Rose is stressed. When Rose is mad, seems like Gus is too.
"Do you wanna go eat?" She asks. She's looking at her phone messages.
"With who?"
"My mom. I haven't seen her in a few weeks so I thought it'd be nice for her to meet someone else I'm living with."
"Oh, I'd love to meet her!"
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Liked by lilpeep, yunggravy, liltracy, halobaby, and 800k others
Roseygardens: so happy to announce that Peeps show and the Dogwood Park is sold out! Thank you everyone!!! @ lilpeep
Lilpeep: ❤️❤️❤️ LilTracy: so proud of my brother peep. Keep shining my dude Halobaby: I'm sitting next to Rose and she's so giggley
Rose's POV:
My mom sits on a couch in our favorite book store in town. Her long brown hair pulled up into a messy bun, her glasses on the tip of her nose, and a pretty pink dress that flows to her knee caps.
She reads a poem book while sipping on pipping hot, black coffee. From this angle, she looks almost like an angel.
Halo notices her too.
"She's gorgeous!" She whisper shouts.
"Hey momma." I say sitting in a chair across from her. Halo sits on the floor to my right. My mom looks up and smiles her pearly whites.
"Hello Angel." She looks at Halo, " You must be Tracy's girlfriend. How sweet."
"Nice to meet you too, now I see why Rose is beautiful." My mom giggles like a school girl.
"She gets my beauty and her fathers attitude."
"Where is dad?" I ask.
"Out working. I'm glad you could make it." She sits down her book and crosses her legs.
"I wouldn't miss seeing you."
"How's Gus?"
"Very good. He's been working a lot lately but we're making it work. I have high hopes and I support him." I blush at the words. I always will support him. Of course we'll have our ups and downs but it doesn't mean at the end of the day, that we'll break apart and quit loving each other.
"Yes, I heard he had a show tonight. I'd never think of you being with someone so much like you. I'd always expect you run back to Danny."
Halo looks at me. Me, Gus, and Tracy keep Danny conversations away, she only knows I dated him. Of course she's asked but I steer the conversation elsewhere. She doesn't know about Layla either. Just something about bringing back the past hurts me and Gus.
"Has he tried to contact you?" I can't help but ask.
"Yes, he's called, texted, even showed up to the house. Always going on about how Gustav is abusing you or blackmailing you to stay. Don't believe it."
"I'll have a conversation with him later, if he continues, maybe a restraining order ."