Run, Azure

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          I wake up feeling heavy as hell. It may not be the first time but the sore and pain all over my body is still a dead give away of what happened last night. It happened again. I shouldn't be surprised from all the bite and purple marks all over my skin but I think my father overdo it this time. I can't even move a muscle. Well at least I'm not tide up and dying from cold. Maybe that emotional scare last night was a delight for him.

          Nana said that it's not normal. Fathers shouldn't do this to their children, locking me up in the first place is illegal. What exactly did she called this? Rape? Harassment? I don't know. When I first asked about it, Father said he just loves me very much that he can't live without me, but Nana said it was absurd, she said it was clearly obsession and aggressive possiveness that's so sickening for a normal person. She said I'm being abuse and it's not right, well at first I thought it was normal but then all the guards looked so constipated every time I asked them if what my fathers doing to me is normal. They looked sick every time I walk out to them covered in bruises and bite marks. Well some of them enjoyed seeing it but then again, those who looked at me like that? I didn't see them again the next day.

"Young Master, your bath is ready."

           I looked up at the tall lean guy looking so professional as ever. His blue eyes remained unwavering even across my brushes and frail nude body. Maybe his used to it as father never replaced him all through out the past years. William is what they called my personal butler, well kind of, as he answers to my fathers command even if he serves me.

"William." I looked up at him as he started to carry me towards the bathroom. He's always attending to my aftercare after  a night with my father. I don't even know what he thinks of it but I often heard him arguing with my Nana every time I asked something regarding outside or even personal matter. He wouldn't speak to me too unless necessary.

"It happened again." I said softly while he washes my hair. "I'm sorry that you have to do this again."

          I smiled even though I know he won't see it. William might be distant and uncaring but he keeps on looking after me every time. I'm just thankful that he's putting up with me.

          After eating and cleaning myself out I once again had nothing to do. Well I could read but reading at this time is useless with everything going 360 degrees inside my head. I had the chance to see what's outside yesterday but my cowardly self chooses to isolate the idea instead. I stupidly chose to run away. Even with the desire to know, I'm still scared of seeing what's waiting for me. If ever I step outside, what will happened? It's not the consequences that scares me the most. It was knowing that if I look down and saw nothing... The world that I'm hoping of seeing will just disappear right before my eyes. If there's really nothing outside... Then what will I do then? I don't even want to think about it. Loosing the hope that everything Nana said are true and my father lying to me is uncalled for makes me dizzy. I'd rather not know anything than knowing that the life I have right now is all there is to it. I might end up worse than my current state now or I might end my own life instead. I'm satisfied of just knowing and believing Nana.

"William." William who's standing beside my bed looked at me as I called. Knowing what I'll ask him he hurriedly shakes his head.

"So I'll never see her again, huh?" I scoffed feeling stupid once more for asking him the same question everyday.

          I look up and saw the box Nana gave me on that fateful day. Should I open it? Having nothing to do I slowly walk towards the box contemplating if I'll open it or not. I'm curious on what's inside so maybe I'll open it. It's not against the rules or anything and it's just plain and old looking box. Even William didn't stop me this time. I look at him from behind and he just looked back at me without moving or any emotion written on his face.

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