Chapter 3

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Harlow's fingers delicately brushed against the shelves, searching for a decent movie to for she and Victory's movie night. After the incident at the bar, Harlow absolutely refused to go out for the night, instead opting to stay inside with horror movies and some JiffyPop.

The blond's gaze drifted over the many different choices, she was about to give up hope when her eyes met with a classic.


Grabbing the movie with excitement, she quickly made her way to the counter for check out. A tall man with round glasses gave her warm smile and gently took the VHS from her grasp.

"Did you find everything alright today, Miss?", the man question as he began to ring her up.

"Yes, I did! I'm just really surprised to see that you guys have Children of The Corn! It only came out a couple of months ago, I figured it be impossible to find a copy!", the girl rambled giddily.

The tall man smiled warmly at the girl, "Yes, well, we don't find it too difficult to get the latest films for our store. I'm very glad you found what you wanted!"

Harlow gave the man a large grin, pulling out her wallet from the small bag she carried on her hip and handing the man her due amount. The man handed Harlow a small plastic bag to carry the movie in and bid her farewell.

"See you next time, have a lovely day!", he gave the girl a small wave and turned to help the next customer.

Harlow sent a small smile to him and grabbed her bag, making her way out of Max's Video Store. As she made her way onto the crowded boardwalk, she couldn't help but as though someone were watching her. Shivering slightly, Harlow pushed her thoughts to the back of her mind and made her way to Stevie, who sat parked at the end of the boardwalk.


"Vic, I'm home!", Harlow called into the apartment, kicking off her shoes by the door and hanging her keys on the hook.

Victory quickly ran up to Harlow, snatched the bag with the movie, and ran to the tv. "You're on JiffyPop detail tonight, Harls!", she called.

Harlow's face contorted into an annoyed grimace, "Of course I am."


Victory and Harlow sat comfortably on the couch, blankets covering the two of them and the bowl of popcorn in Harlow's grasp.

"Why can't I hold the popcorn?", Victory whined, pouting dramatically at Harlow.

"Because you always end up eating all of it! I literally only get maybe two handfuls when you hold the bowl, you fucking animal.", Harlow squabbled, keeping her focus on the tv.

Victory huffed indignantly, crossing her arms and glaring at the tv.

Harlow tried her best to focus on the movie playing in front of her, but she couldn't help but let her mind wander. I've felt eyes on me since I got here. Not to mention the eyes I saw the other night won't get out of my damn head.

The girl's thoughts continued to swirl around her clouded mind, her eyebrows furrowing as she ate another handful of popcorn.

Victory's gaze drifted over to the girl, her eyes creasing in worry when she saw Harlow's blank stare.

"Hey, Harley, you okay?", she asked the girl, her tone laced with concern.

When Harlow didn't answer Victory nudged her slightly, "Harlow, honey, is everything okay?".

Harlow shook herself from her thoughts, turning her attention to Vicory's worried expression.

"Actually, um, can we talk?", although it was a question, Harlow said it with a slightly more commanding tone.

Victory nodded, turning her body to face her best friend. "Of course girl, what's goin on?", Victory's voice was soft, a much more gentle tone than how she usually spoke.

"Since we got here, I've felt like I'm constantly being watched. And the other night when we went to the bar, I saw these eyes and.....", Harlow continued to recount her experiences and worries to Victory who sat quietly and listened to the girl ramble.

Little did Harlow know, the person with the startling blue eyes that she had seen, was talking to the tall man with the glasses she had met earlier. And they were talking about her.

Hi !! Yes, I know I don't update very often, I'm sorry :( -H

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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