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Harlow Ward Gillman loved ghost stories. She couldn't get enough of them and the chills they sent down her spine. So naturally, Santa Carla seemed a perfect fit for her, with all of the rumors of vampires floating about.

She had heard some of the local punks murmuring to themselves about the current goings on; the missing men, women, and children, and the metallic stench of blood masked by popcorn and cotton candy on the boardwalk. It sent an uncomfortable but excited wave of nerves through Harlow.

She shrugged the cardboard box with the rest of her belongings up on her hip, stuck her apartment key in the lock and pushed open the weathered door. She coughed as she breathed in the dust, and took a good look at her surroundings. The apartment wasn't in bad shape, considering how long no one had lived there, it was in need of a good cleaning but nothing that she couldn't handle.

Harlow was fresh out of high school and desperate for a change, so she called up one of her old pals from freshman year and asked if she wanted to live together. Her friend agreed, and so Harlow threw all of her belongings into her Ford Mustang, took all of her savings, and left her home of New Orleans that held her horrible step-mother. Now here she was, Santa Carla California, the Murder Capital of the world.

It seemed as though her friend, Victory Chaplin, hadn't gotten into town yet, either that or she was exploring her new environment. So, Harlow decided to take her chance to pick her room; a fairly good sized bedroom by the apartment's bathroom, light green walls and an old desk in the corner.

Lucky for her, the apartment came mostly furnished, so she didn't have to worry about a bed or a couch. Harlow began pulling out her posters and planning where she would hang them, deciding she would hang her large Jim Morrison one over her bed.

As she pushed in the last tack to hold up her poster, the jingling of keys caught the curly haired girl's attention. Harlow peeked her head around her doorframe, catching the sight of Victory in their new kitchen, a cigarette hanging from her lips.

"Who said it was alright for you to smoke inside, ma'am?" Harlow teased, stepping out of her room with her hands resting on her hips.

Victory snapped her head to Harlow, her brows rose in surprise. Slowly, a smirk made its way to her lips, "Sorry mom, I won't do it again."

"You'd better not," Harlow laughed. "How are you girl? It's been forever and a day." Harlow laughed, walking over to give her old friend a hug.

"It's been hell, but thank god I'm here now." She laughed. Victory took the cigarette from her mouth and put it out on the bottom of her boot.

"I came by earlier, but you weren't here. I've already unloaded all of my stuff." She told Harlow.

Harlow smiled and told Victory to wait there, she ran into her room and pulled out her old record player and one of her favorite vinyls. Harlow walked as fast as she could back to the kitchen and set the player on their island counter, plugging in the machine. She placed her vinyl on the stand and delicately dropped the needle onto it. The apartment was then filled with the music of Blue Oyster Cult, Harlow doing a little dance to the tune.

Victory smiled and grabbed the broom from the hall closet, tossing it to Harlow.
"Let's get this cleaning day started, girlfriend."


Harlow wiped the sweat off of her forehead, plopping down onto the couch. Victory sat next to her, passing her a glass of water.

"Well, the apartments clean and we've got all of our shit set up, so that's good.", she panted.

"Yeah, we should go celebrate," Harlow suggested. "Let's do it tomorrow though, I'm wiped out."

"Yeah it is getting late, let's just shower and we can catch up tonight." Victory yawned out.

"Deal." Harlow agreed. She pushed herself off of the couch, and gathered her clothes for a quick shower.

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