Chapter Five

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A/N: surprise double update this week. There is also a playlist for this fic called "a young witch in new orleans" by plathian on spotify


Draco became insatiable.

Holding a higher rank on the Inquisitor Squad was one thing - it meant he could relentlessly tear down the gloating Gryffindors whenever he wanted - and he could get away with significantly more, if he so desired.

He'd made a bet with Theo and Blaise that he could get more of the Slytherin girls of Fifth year in a compromising position than they could by the winter break. Blaise had already one-upped him within a few weeks and he was determined to win. Draco had made out with the elder Greengrass sister the previous night, thinking about dragging her into a broom closet during his evening rounds, but decided against it lest she become clingy.

The two dolts he used to fraternize with had become sidetracked when they found two sixth years attempting to break into Umbridge's office. Crabbe and Goyle chased them off about points and detention, deciding then to harass the elves for food in the late hour. Draco continued on down the drafty corridors, ignoring the unease in his gut as the shadows stretched longer and the chill became colder.

It wasn't within his route, but he was exhausted of the same stone walls around him, and he ventured to the many steps of the Astronomy tower. He did his best to step quietly up to the first platform, not caring for any attention should he find himself not to be alone, the quiet lasting long enough for him to let out a low sigh.

He was tired.

His eyelids sank a little in the sudden warmth, the shiver making its way up his spine, retreating.

His eyes snapped open. How could he be warm?

Draco looked above him, finally seeing two distinct shapes above him, moving slowly across the platform. His features scrunched in confusion, ears picking up on a low humming of a muggle tune. It certainly wasn't anything he was familiar with.

He moved back towards the spiral staircase, silencing his footsteps for good measure as he slowly ascended. His white-blond head peeked out above the floor, letting his eyes adjust to the soft flicker of candles illuminating the couple slowly swaying at the far end.

The boy was tall and angular, resting his chin against the girl's temple with a contented smile on his face. His hands rested at the small of her back, picking his feet up with ease despite her toes on top of his own.

It took Draco all too long to recognise him as one of the Weasels. Only cementing it further once they had turned enough to see the transfer girl's face resting against his chest, a warm expression softening her features.

"I love you, Fred," she said quietly, not even looking up at him. Like it was so known and true that she didn't need to.

He seemed to whisper an assurance, too low for Draco to pick up on, and kissed her temple.

Draco felt a surge of...something wash over him, painting his pale features in a sharp blush at witnessing such a private moment. He slowly stepped back down, sparing one last glance at the pair.

He knew he should have run storming up the stairs, brandishing his wand, and stripping them of house points. It was his duty after all to ensure students were abiding by the rules, new and old - and especially those who surround Potter.

The emotion coiling in his gut won out over anything else, though. Jealousy was making itself known and he didn't know what to do about it.

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