Well, introductions are not my thing, to be very honest.
Anyway, as I am typing right now, an unexpressible rush of emotions is surging through my system. This a huge step for me since I have always thought my words were extremely humble and unworthy of sharing. I never even imagined exposing what goes on in my headspace, which I consider private and embarrassing, but here I am. Day by day, I realised that people relate to what I produce and received encouragement from several close friends. This helped me break out of my shell and start sharing what I hid in my notebooks for a long time.
Today I might be a nobody but remember my initials very well, for you will see them signed on my books soon enough.
With love.
Apollo's Chaos
Poetry• My disastrous and hectic thoughts, but in more digestible way. That's all I have for you, the book will speak for itself. •