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"Oh darling, I really hope you have a wonderful first day at school", Yeri says to her son who was staring disgustingly at the building they were parked in front of.

"I have a bad feeling about this place, Mom" Jungkook said taking his bag up onto his lap." I really do. I feel like once I walk through those doors, my whole life will change..."

Yeri held tightly to the steering wheel, trying hard not to give in. It was the third day she has attempted to put her son into school but every time they drove up he would say how much of a bad vibe it gave him. Of course, her believing in everything superstitious, she would take her son home promising to take him the next day when the bad vibe was gone. It hasn't yet.

"You need to go to school, Jungkook. You need to get educated if you want to be teacher when you're all grown up."

Jungkook nearly rolled his eyes. He chose to be a teacher back in the early grade of secondary school and his parents now pressure him to achieve his 'dream'. In reality, he still had no idea what he wanted to be when he grew up. Now he has got a liking to singing and is wishing to become a singer.

"I know Mom, but I still get a bad vibe here..." Yeri sighed as she looked upon the flower crown rested upon his head. "Maybe the bad vibe is just coming from you. You've always hated school. We can't ignore it forever."

"You're right, and when the school calls saying a shooting had occurred, just remember me and my warning of bad vibes", Jungkook said with a straight face before getting out of the car. Yeri's eyes widened as she started having second thoughts of letting her baby go.

It was too late because he was already passing through the entrance doors by the time she wanted to pull him back and just try again tomorrow.


"Hello students of Bangtan High! I am your host Rap Monster!"

"And I am you co- host, The Worldwide Handsome 'Jin' here to present to you your morning announcements!"

Jungkook looked at the telly screen with a pained expression on his face at the two make hosts of the high school's morning show. He was in his English class to watch it and it was terribly noisy so it was hard to even hear the announcements.

"Today is a B-Day and today's lunch specials will be..."

The audio was drowned underneath of the loud voice. Jungkook looked over the class to see the large group of students in the corner who talked with outside voices along with squealing laughter from one girl. Jungkook shook his head and looked around to see if anyone else was bother by it but none of them seemed affected.

It's probably because they're used to it, Jungkook thought.

There were a few people working already on the morning work on the board, other were in quiet conversations, and then there was one guy sucking on a bright pink lollipop.

The new student couldn't help but to sigh. If he was going to be stuck in a room with these idiots, he was sure to kill himself before boredom does.

"Remember students, auditions for the school production of Grease will be held next Wednesday after school until 5 p.m.," Jin told before switching it off to Namjoon who calls himself as Rap Monster.

Jungkook could hear the conversation between the two students in the row next to him discuss it.

"So, will you be auditioning for Grease?" The guy with mint hair said turning his body 180 degrees to turn to the guy behind him.

[A/N: Mint hair? Guess who? It's Suga my fellow armies and he has a nameless boyfriend. Ok ok please continue reading.]

"Probably not, but my boyfriend is. It's been the only thing he has been talking about since they had announced it. He'd been in Danny Zuko mode for the past three days. Even during sex it's hard to break him out of character", he sighed before taking out a bright blue pen and started to scribble something on a loose sheet of paper.

"How bad is it?"

"He called me Sandy in bed and even when I sucked him off yesterday..."

Jungkook quickly turned out of the conversation. He crossed his arms and bit on his lips as he just kept quiet.

"That's all the news we have for this morning. Make it a good day, Bangtan High" Jin grinned, signing off.

Jungkook sunk himself into the chair of his seat, trying to not get noticed.

The teacher, Mrs. Lily started calling role by rows.

"...Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jung Hoseok.... " When she had finished the second to last row she had taken into account finally Jungkook who was trying to make himself invisible in his seat which was nearest to the door.

"Oh!" Mrs. Lily gasped as she looked at her role sheet then back at Jungkook. "You're the new student right?"

All heads turned to Jungkook whose body temperature rose with a blush up his neck. Jungkook nodded slightly.

"How wonderful! We were expecting you 2 days ago but you never showed up. Would you mind introducing yourself, Jeon Jun-gk Jungko-ok"

"Jeon Jungkook" he spoke slightly annoyed.

Writing has always been a passion of mine, I'm so glad to have found this community where I can share my stories without a fear of judgement. All I can ask is if you can give them a go and read them. If you like them, then you are more than welcome to stick around, if not that's fine, I understand my writing may not be for everyone. I welcome any feedback, just drop me a message and I will reply as soon as I can. My most important thing is to make people happy. Just remember to always keep smiling even if things get tough.

There was a jumble of welcome and hellos and a random "You're hot" from someone in the back of classroom. Jungkook couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the loud comment. He never really liked too much attention.

Mrs. Lily clasped her hands together before smiling to the class and starting the day's lesson which was the start of the new circulation reading, Julius Caesar.

As Jungkook was turning the page to Act I of Julius Caesar, he swore he heard his name being softly said from the back of the room.


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