Story Idea #4

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What's up mother shuckers? My name is Colonel Cornelius Cornwall, and I'm here today to introdu-

Akshsfakshaa ok anyway


Person A and Person B, right? They meet like, wherever tf you want them to, like maybe a coffee shop, or maybe they're in highschool and meet through a club, or through a mutual friend, whatever. They get to know each other and both begin to develop


for the other. However, both Person A and Person B are oblivious idiots. Person A will attempt to show Person B how much they like them, but Person B doesn't pick up on it, making Person A upsetti spaghetti, and vice versa.

Arguments start off small, like little disagreements here and there, then escalate. It gets to the point where, in one scene, they get into a heated argument. Person A is blowing up at Person B, Person B is upsetti spaghetti at Person A, and the whole time they're getting closer and closer to each other's faces.

Eventually they both can feel the other's breath on their face, count the freckles on their noses, see the gold speckles in their eyes, and realize, holy shit I'm not actually mad at you, I love you.
"You do??"
Omg they said that out loud???

Long story short they kiss.

Then afterwards their friends notice them like, holding hands or some shit, and they're like
"Oh thank god you guys made out- I mean made up, I was getting really worried for a while."

AnYgAy, it's 1am and i need to pee.
Good night/morning/day/afternoon/evening/whatever

Mocha out.

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