Confronting The Traitors (Short story)

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This is indeed a short story I have written based on a dnd story I was a part of. I wrote this for school which is why it has so much detail. Have fun reading! <3


They rode on two large horses through the dark starry night. Hers, a beautiful white horse with a flowing mane. His, a white skeleton with a glowing purple mane. They rode until they came to a cave the next day; the bright sun bearing down on them with the heat of the desert even though they were high in the mountains. The High Elven woman tied her steed to a post at the unassuming cave entrance. The purple-skinned, demon-like Tiefling man, with a wave of his hand, dismissed his steed and it dissipated in a cloud of deep purple light.

They entered the dark, damp cave, though they didn't need any light source for they could see just fine in the dark. The narrow cave opened up into a rather large cavernous room filled with the traitors they were seeking out. The elf drew her blade. It shined like a burning ruby against a charcoal steel hilt with an amber gem embedded in the center of it. The tiefling took a step back and pulled his arms up to ready a spell.

She rushed forward, throwing jabs at the traitors, while her pink dress flowed behind her.

"Elyza! To your left!" She pulled another blade from its sheath and swiped to her left with it, successfully ridding herself of the threat.

From behind came a fiery ray, flames dancing their way around Elyza and hitting the rogue blood hunter in front of her. She shouted a quick "thanks." to her companion before slicing through another.

They kept at this until they became surrounded and outnumbered by the blood hunters. Elyza returned her blades to their rightful places, muttered a small incantation, and made a few simple hand gestures.

As the two were attacked, the weapons and spells of the traitors seemed to bounce off an invisible bubble around them.

She turned to look at her companion and they had an unspoken conversation before each turning to the traitor directly in front of them.

They each silently counted to five then simultaneously cast a spell. She drew symbols in the air, glowing lines following her fingers.

"Perish in pain, then new life you shall gain. Switch sides in order to turn the tides," The light from the symbols gathered into a ball and absorbed into her forearm before traveling down to her extended fingertip and a thin ray of light shot toward the person in front of her.

The traitor writhed in pain as if they were being engulfed in flames. They dropped to the ground dead, then stood back up, now an undead creature. She pointed to the rest of the traitors and shouted "Attack!" It spun around and helped to pick off the blood hunters.

The tiefling shouted a single word, "Away!" As he said this, energy collected in the glowing purple veins of his arms. It shot down his extended arm and a mighty blue and red blast came forth from his outstretched palm. It hit the group in front of him, pushing them back. They dropped to the cold floor of the cavern, allowing him to cast more spells.

They finished off the rogue hunt members like a pack of wolves tearing apart their dinner.

"Hey Amnon, if you'd like, I could teach you blood hunting."

"You blood hunt?" the tiefling inquired.

"Oh no, my blood is much too pure for that. However, I know the techniques and spells. After all, I am the leader of the Moonlight Hunt." She smiled.

"Right. Remind me to never get on your bad side." Amnon laughed.

"Sure thing. Let's get back to the party, they're probably wondering where we disappeared to and knowing them, they've probably already gotten themselves thrown in jail. Especially Imish and Borras." she giggled to herself as they mounted their steeds and rode back to town.

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