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-Raven's POV-

"We'll make it out, your mother is waiting for us." I could hear Leilani's voice from a distance. I felt strong arms carrying my body as I tried to refocus my vision. I turned my head and I could see Juron running while carrying me at the same time. He seemed to notice that I was awake.

"Hey there, sleepyhead. You passed out after shifting back to your corporeal form. You were amazing, you know that right?" he smiled and before I knew it, everything turned black again.


"And she turned into this really big dragon! It was so badass!" Leilani described.

"It's amazing how much her powers have grown, I knew she always had it in her." Ursa smiled.

"Where did you say Charles was again?" Rosenymph asked.

"He'll meet up with us North with Theodora. I have a way to get us there as fast as possible." Ursa responded.

"Guys! Raven is stirring in her sleep again!" Tempest announced.

"She must be waking up. Juron, hurry, fill this pitcher with water from the river below." Rosenymph ordered.

"W-where... D-did we make it out?" Raven asked, sitting up slowly.

"Yes, kiddo, it's so good to see you again! We're currently within the outskirts of Capitol City. That place is a mess right now. We heard about your cool new power." Ursa kneeled down and answered, fixing her little sister's hair.

"Oh, right... about that..." Raven began weakly.

"Never mind that for now. We'll have plenty of time to discuss it soon. However, we must focus on heading North." Rosenymph dismissed the topic and sat next to Raven. "You really look exactly like your mother. She must be very proud of the woman you have become." she smiled and Raven nodded. Juron came running up to the group with a full pitcher of water, handing it to Raven.

"I'm assuming there's no need for introductions, now that you all have met." Raven stated, wiping her mouth with her sleeve.

"I approve of this one. I didn't know humans could be so funny!" Crimson came up and slapped Juron on the back, to which he began to flush.

"You're not still mad at us, are you?" Tempest asked carefully.

"No, no of course not. I'm just glad to see that you're all safe. What's the plan now?" Raven responded.

"We need to head North to meet up with father and Theodora." Ursa said.

"Father? What, so everyone forgives him now?" the silence that fell upon them was heavy and dense. "By the gods... what happened while I was gone?" Raven asked.

"We'll explain on the way there. We need to get moving. We plan on finding Morrigan and her mother, Northern Suburb Witch High Priestess Beatrix. Apparently neither of them are very good people." Tempest explained.

"Her mother is a Suburb Witch?" Raven furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"It's complicated. Just know they're the bad guys, is all." Crimson shrugged his shoulders.

Using Ursa's powers, they gathered in a circle and were able to teleport to the Northern Gates.


-Raven's POV-

Before we knew it,  we appeared right in front of the Northern Gates. It all happened so fast, I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, we were in a whole different location. I didn't even feel us moving, besides the change in environment and slight breeze.

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