7. Polyjuice Potion

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Even though Draco was spending more time with pansy than I would like we still slept together atleast half the week. He would apologize about him and Pansy, he told me he tried to stay away from her but she kept trying to be with him, and he asked me about the chamber and what was in it. 

After that Harry was trying to find the kid who was almost attacked by the snake to tell him what happened. After Draco and I were outside I went to the library. The Hufflepuffs were saying all this stuff about how Harry had to be the heir of Slytherin and all but then he came out from behind the book shelves and they all looked terrified.

Harry left and I followed and called him. He looked at me he was still upset. "Can't you tell Malfoy to stop doing this or atleast admit its him."

"Harry its not Draco. I promise."

He still looked like he didn't believe me as he ran into Hagrid. Hagrid had a dead roster hanging from his arms. Harry left looking annoyed and I just went back to Draco we had transfiguration next class so we got our books and left. I heard somewhere on the way to class that Harry had found another body of none other then Justin Finch-Fletchley the boy who was almost attacked by the snake. 

I couldn't help but laugh because whoever was doing this they had it out for Harry. Anyone who annoyed him or said something bad about him was petrified. If I didn't know it wasn't him I would think it was too. He was taken up to Dumbledore I heard. I dont think Dumbledore would think its Harry though because in his eyes no Gryffindor could ever do anything wrong.

I saw Harry the next day and he said Dumbledore believed him. Obviously. He left and went with Hermione and Ron they were doing something they didn't want me to know about but I don't know what.

Over Christmas holiday we played in the snow most days amd on Christmas Draco had bought me presents, well he told his parents what to get and they bought them. It was some books and cat food cat toys. He likes my cat Lily and he is the only one she liked besides me.

Christmas night Crabbe and Goyle were going to get snacks but they were gone for a long time so Draco and I went out to search for them. Draco said "why are we looking for them. They are just eating like always H come on. Its Christmas come sit in front of fire with me."

I blushed and said "come on if we can't find them on ten minutes we can go back." He just rolled his eyes and nodded.

We continued to search and finally found them. Percy Weasley was saying "I'm a prefect nothing will attack me." I wish it was me just to attack him after he said that. "There you are" Draco said to Crabbe and Goyle. "What are you doing down here Weasley?"

"You want to show a bit more respect to a school prefect." Percy said.

Draco rolled his eyes and watched as Percy left. Then he looked at Goyle and said "why are you wearing glasses?"

I realized it was Harry because they looked like his glasses and I was so mad. They used polyjuice potion to talk to Draco because they didn't trust me when I told them Draco wasn't the heir.

"I was uh reading." Goyle/Harry said.

"I didn't know you could read." Draco said. I laughed because I'm pretty sure Goyle couldn't read. Crabbe and Goyle didn't separate so I'm sure Crabbe was Ron. They followed Draco and I followed them. I was going to kill them later. They followed to the entry to our common room.

Draco wanted to show them something his father had sent him so he went to get it. I glared at them. "I'm going to kill you guys."

They looked scared and confused. "Uh but what-" Goyle/Harry said.

"I know its you. I'm not stupid. Draco doesn't so you're lucky. But this was very dumb."

Draco came back from his room with a newspaper clipping. It was an inquiry from the ministry of magic, Ron's dad was fined for his car. Which means it was because of them he was in trouble. I grabbed the paper back and grabbed Draco. "I thought you wanted to be next to the fire Draco. Come on. " he looked confused when I grabbed it but he smiled and sat next to me by the fire.

"You'd never know the Weasleys were pure-bloodd, the way they behave." Draco said while holding me.

Ron or crabbe looked mad and Draco asked what was wrong. "Stomachache" he said.

"I'm surprised the Daily Prophet hasn't reported all these attacks yet. Its probably Dumbledore trying to hush it all up. Father always did say Dumbledore was the worst thing that's ever happened to this place."

Then Draco started making fun of Colin Creevey or mousy. "Potter can I have your photograph? Please Potter. Saint Potter. And people think he's Slytherins heir!"

Harry and Ron were listening thinking Draco was about to tell them who it is but he said "I wish I knew it was." I stared at them my face saying I told you so.

"But you must have some idea who's behind it all" Goyle said.

"You know I haven't, Goyle how many times do I have to tell you? My father won't tell me anything about the last time it was opened either except it was 50 years ago, before his time." Draco said.

Their hour must be up because I saw Crabbes hair start to change back red. "Medicine for my stomach." They both ran out. Its a good thing they are normally stupid or Draco would have suspected something.

Supposedly Hermione was supposed to be there too but she had changed into an animal. Karma. I knew she was the one who did the potion.

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