Damainette story chapter 8

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Marinette said a britsh voice snapping her out from her trance y-yes she shuttered as she turned to face her teacher mrs.James who was looking at her in curiousity.She walked slowly to her sit nervously but everyone saw a beauty goodness walking in slow motion showing off their beauty and cuteness as they started in awe.Marinette sat down and looked down as she noticed all eyes were on her,Why would someone live a goodness like you for a sasuage hair slut girl?felix questioned himself which got chloe's attention,thats when chloe finally recognised him as adrien's cousin.Felix agreste screamed chloe annoyed.

Well-Well if it isnt miss chloe bourgeois the makeup monster said felix which made half of the class laugh.OOh! you look a little different from the last time i saw you did you put plastic?
so you admit im pretty replied chloe flipping her hair.mhh? he question looking at her up and down ,nope! you look worst you look even worst than a plastic monster.

Enough!with the critism marinette soft angelic startled him and the class,miss can i switch sits with chloe she asked the teacher.Damain was quite sad about the changing of sits but kept his cool and his scowl ,the teacher soon agreed and chloe thanked her.when she sat by him,he put his hand on her shoulder but she just push his hand off which ease damain anger and she continue to pay attention to the lesson not long after lunch time came.

Almost the whole school gathered around her,to get know the school goodness they heard about,she started feeling dizzy once again as all the students talked at the same time as she called it noise pollution so she made an easy escape and made a run for it.she stopped by a tree and let go her long-long midnight blue hair as she felt her head pounding.She lied down on the grass and looked at the shiny sun above her,soon enough she fell asleep.Look at how the sun makes her face shine she heard an unknown voice,look at her cherry kissable lips she recognised that voice as the one and only playboy she yet to know his name of.OMG! i have a poem blue midnight hair,blue eyes,kissable lips,i want to make you mine another voice said,that caused a nother voice to burst out laughing.she slowly opened her eyes to see four students staring lovingly at her.She looked near her to see two devils looking at her in curiousity in which she gave them a small smile.

One of the devils looked at her and licked his lips making her gag as she can read his thought so she decided to ignore him.Marinette are you okay? asked chloe as she rushed up to her,Im fine she replied then suddenly something caught her attention it was some kind of bug it was red with black spots hiding in a bush so she wallked over .


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