Chapter Five

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Sasha was riding Stormchaser in a smooth, flowing canter on the trail. The two of them had started to see each other in a new light: they are both headstrong, have a secret soft spot for those who need their aid, have a excited taste for adventure, and they're both ready to give their lives for their family and friends (including the ones they haven't met yet).
It had been a few months since Sasha and Stormchaser had both became famous cross country racers and great partners when it comes to be rescue riders. But that's not the only change about Sasha. She had became much more calmer, wiser, braver, confident, and determined. Though, she likes having a bit of alone time with horses and nature of Jorvik.
Anyways, they were both on a calm ride together. It didn't take long for Stormchaser to pick up speed to a calm and steady gallop. The pace didn't slow, and it felt as if Sasha was riding a relaxed hawk in a calm and steady rhythm. Trees and long grass flew past underneath them. She glanced over her shoulder to see that the stable and the center are both behind them.
Sasha raised herself up slightly as the grassy ground disappeared underneath them for a bit. Stormchaser had leapt over a log. She felt her golden-blonde hair flowed behind her and her stomach lurched. She almost felt as if she and the stallion were both flying. She tightened her grip on the reins and Stormchaser slowed down for a moment, long enough for her to regain her balance again and calm down her nervousness. Sasha took a deep breath, calming herself down and nodded to Stormchaser, who nickered softly with a excited look and they both continued their gallop.
They went onto the trails that carried them farther from Moorland Stable and Silverglade Equestrian Center. The paths were almost invisible by green grass and trees, and Sasha could make out a gray fortress in ruins in the shade of the trees. But she soon a small movement in the grass by the ruins of the fortress.
It seemed to be a glowing squirrel. Sasha dismounted Stormchaser and walked slowly to the squirrel. She lowered herself to the ground and Sasha got a better look at the squirrel. The squirrel seemed to be glowing like a spirit. Stormchaser walked a bit closer to Sasha, eyeing the squirrel warily and calmly.
"Hi there." The squirrel looked up at her, chattering curiously. "Are you lost?"
The squirrel soon ran off towards the right side of them, startling them both at the squirrel's quick speed. Sasha felt her instincts tell her that she and Stormchaser both must follow the squirrel.
"Come on Storm, we must follow that squirrel!" Sasha mounted the cream pinto stallion and they two of them both chased after the squirrel.
They galloped onto the trails that carried them even farther away from the regular trail. The winding paths were flanked by grassy green hills, and Sasha could make out the glittering waves of the ocean beyond, the sparkling Silversong River below, and the Silverglade castle looming in the distance.
The wind in Sasha's face was in the same rhythm with Stormchaser's steady and quick breathing. Suddenly, in the middle a leafy and flowery group of trees, a clearing carpeted with soft grass had opened up. The clearing was bathed in the warm, golden light. There was a large stone monolith near some huge rocks behind it. Sasha pulled on the reins and Stormchaser came to a stop. Around the same time, the squirrel had disappeared into the stone. Sasha was a little alarmed and startled as the runes on the strange stone had started to glow bright purple on the surface of the stone.
"What is happening, Stormchaser?" Sasha asked her horse.
Stormchaser nickered and his shook head, causing a bit of his forelock to go over his warm eyes. But they soon heard a galloping horse and a rider coming their way. Sasha and Stormchaser both stepped back, closer to the shade of the stone.
The horse was a small, muscular golden chestnut stallion with a long, wild bright golden mane and tail had came to the hill. On the horse's saddled back was a tawny-haired girl with mischievous golden-brown eyes and clothes that a casual city girl might wear.
"Did you see that Tin-Can?" asked the girl. "The stone had lit up like a bonfire."
The stallion, Tin-Can, snorted and nickered after he saw Sasha and Stormchaser watching them from the shadow of the strange stone.
"What's that? We're not alone?" The girl looked up from her horse and that's when she saw Sasha and Stormchaser.
"Um... Hi?" Sasha gave an awkward wave to the girl.
"Oh, I didn't see you there," said the girl with a reassuring smile that put Sasha at ease. "I'm Alex Cloudmill and this Tin-Can." Tin-Can nickered a hello. "You came to Jorvik to ride horses all summer, right?"
"Something like that, yes," Sasha said with a small nod.
"There's more to this island than you'll find in brochures," Alex said mysteriously. "Are you ready to learn about the hidden side of Jorvik?"
Sasha felt a thrill of excitement for a brand new adventure. "We're ready." Sasha patted Stormchaser's neck as the handsome cream pinto stallion nickered.
"I wish I knew why this ancient rock is glowing," said Alex, looking at the rock. "I never seen it react like that before."
But that's when they saw a slightly rotund, chestnut-colored horse with a shiny white mane and tail coming towards them. On the other horse's saddled back was a black-haired Indian girl with glasses. Sasha recognized the girl instantly, it was Linda and Meteor. What are they doing here?
"Alex, Tin-Can," said the black-haired girl. "You felt it too? I don't think the Dark Core is — Oh!" That's when the girl had noticed Sasha and Stormchaser had been silently standing there with curious expressions.
"Hi Linda, we have a new friend." Alex said, giving Sasha a confused smile. "This is—"
"Sasha," Sasha said softly with a small smile. "Sasha Windheart."
"This is curious," said Linda thoughtfully as she looked at Sasha. "It seemed as if the stone is responding to Sasha's presence. Could she be one of the candidates that Fripp had been talking about out?"
"Candidates?" Sasha asked curiously.
"Young riders who has the potential to help Jorvik," clarified Linda. "It's their destiny." Linda sighed. "I wish I could stay and talk, but I'm close to cracking the case of the investigation of you know who."
"The library beckons," commented Alex playfully.
"You want to join me, Alex?" Linda asked. "Books don't bite."
"They don't?" complained Alex, almost making Sasha laugh. Alex sure has a mischievous streak, that's for sure. "But those are the best kinds. Come at me, biting books!"
"On second thought, maybe its safer if you stay out of the library," Linda said quickly, making Sasha snickered with amusement. "Come on Meteor, old friend. Let's head towards Silverglade Manor."
Linda nodded to her and Stormchaser with a smile. Meteor nickered and Linda giggled. "Fine, we'll get some apples for you." Linda looked back at them. "See you later, Alex. Nice seeing you, Sasha."
Linda turned Meteor around and they both galloped towards Silverglade. There's something special about these two girls and their horses, figured Sasha. But what?
"There's no mystery that Linda can't solve," said Alex, catching Sasha's attention. "She's basically a genius. A genius with a horse and magic powers. You know, the total package." Alex looked at the stone and back at Sasha. "It seemed that destiny wants us to meet." Alex looked up at the cloudless blue sky. "Well done destiny!"
"Who are you two?" Questions started to circle around in Sasha's mind about these two mysterious riders.
"We're half of the Soul Riders," said Alex simply. "Like a riding club, but we have to save the world."
"I wish I could help." Sasha felt in awe by the fierce and bold-hearted girl.
"I respect you wanting to help us out, but there are prophecies and rituals," said Alex.
"Sounds dangerous," Sasha said grimly.
"It is," agreed Alex. "Nobody could handle the responsibility. That's why we're Sisterhood, but it's still a big responsibility. You should head home. But if you are the one, I hope we'll meet again. It was nice meeting you. I like your horse by the way."
"Thanks Alex," Sasha said with a smile.
"Come on Tin-Can!" said Alex excitedly. "I sense adventures! Here we come adventures!"
Sasha and Stormchaser both watched as Alex and Tin-Can galloped away towards who knows where with overwhelming excitement and energy. Sasha wondered if she could ever be that brave and adventurous as Alex. Probably not, but she'll try to be brave her own way.
"Come on Stormchaser." Sasha patted Stormchaser's flaxen mane and muscular cream pinto neck. "Let's get going."
Stormchaser reared up on his hind legs and let out a wild neigh, while Sasha whooped and laughed excitedly as the two of them took off back towards Moorland Stable.

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