Chapter 21 - Strange House, Strange Bed

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Charlie woke up from the sound of her phone buzzing. She didn't recognize the room she was in, but she recalled the night before, kind of. She had gone inside with Shawn, and they drank with his friends. They drank a lot. So much that she couldn't remember parts of the night, and her head was absolutely pounding. Her eyes focused and she saw Courtney's name on the screen of her phone. It was 7:00 AM.

She answered groggily, "Hello?"

"Charlie, oh my god, are you ok?!" Courtney's voice was stressed. "You didn't come home last night. I went to sleep and I woke up and you were still gone! I've been freaking out! I covered for you and told mom and dad you went to Taylor's. But you're not at Taylor's, you're in Beachside? Why are you still in Beachside?"

Charlie winced. "Yes, I'm ok." She answered the first question, because it was the easiest.

"Ok, don't ever do that to me again," Courtney said.

"I'm sorry," Charlie said, trying to sit up.

"So you're safe?" Courtney asked.

Charlie looked around. Shawn was laying in the bed next to her. Her eyes widened. "Yes, I'm safe. Listen Court, I gotta go, I'll be home ASAP." She hung up.

Charlie shook the sleeping boy next to her until he woke up. Shawn opened his eyes slowly.

"Good morning beautiful," he said drowsily.

"Shawn, please tell me we didn't," Charlie pleaded, hoping things between them hadn't gone where it looked like they'd gone.

"Of course not. We didn't even kiss." He squinted, trying to adjust his eyes to the morning light. "It's not my style to get with a girl when she's that drunk."

"Then why are we in the same bed?" Charlie asked pointedly.

Shawn yawned. "I kept to my side the whole night, I swear. There's just not a lot of places to crash here."

"Where is 'here'?!" Charlie nearly yelled.

"My friend Mitchell's older brother's house," Shawn said, alarmed at her volume. "I invited you here last night, remember? Are you ok?"

"No, I'm not ok. Do you always drink this like this? Cause I can't remember the whole night, and I know you drank just as much as me."

"I mean, yeah. I don't know, I've had worse nights," he shrugged.

"Oh god." Charlie stood up, starting to panic. She began to pace around the room. "I'm hungover as hell, I just woke up in a stranger's house, and everyone still hates me."

"Ok, we can get something to help the hangover. Mitchell's brother is a stranger but I'm not. And I can literally guarantee not everyone hates you." He was trying to help, but it wasn't working.

"You don't understand," Charlie leaned back against the bedroom door and covered her face with her hands, starting to cry. She slid down until her butt reached the ground.

"Hey, hey, hey," Shawn said softly, walking over to her and putting his arms around her. "I do understand, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Charlie sat there and sobbed quietly. Shawn held her and let her cry, stroking her hair and rubbing her back. He didn't try to get her to stop crying. It was almost as if he knew she had to let it out.

Charlie eventually wiped her tears and looked at him. His eyes were full of concern and kindness, but also pain.

"I've got you, ok? No matter what. There's nothing Mara can do to change that," he said. "But I can't apologize enough. If it weren't for me, she wouldn't have turned on you. I really am sorry."

They were sitting together on the floor, extremely close. Her head was still hurting from her hangover, but she hardly noticed it now. Charlie stared at him. His face was like a sculpture that had come to life, with his chiseled jawline and sharp cheekbones. His dark hair was tousled and messy from sleep, but somehow still impossibly perfect looking. Her eyes wandered over his features until they landed on his lips.

He looked at her like he wanted to know what she was thinking. But he didn't ask, he just said, "God you're beautiful."

Charlie felt the sudden urge to kiss him. She leaned over and pressed her lips to his. He sat there, very still at first. He seemed wary of upsetting her, like he didn't want her to get spooked and run off. But as she kissed him more insistently, he gave in, kissing her back.

It wasn't like their last kiss. That one was intense and passionate. This one was careful and sweet. At least, it started that way. She shifted herself so she could kiss him more easily, and he pulled her across his lap. She put her hand to his face, gently running her fingers along his jawline as their mouths explored each other.

She pulled away for a moment and looked at him. "Can we get back into bed?" she asked.

Instead of answering, Shawn just smiled and picked her up.

*** I know what you might be thinking. I'm just gonna say click the next chapter, hahaha

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