Break Time!

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(Cole P.O.V.)

It has been so long since we've seen the light, not that I'm complaining, I love the feeling of being underground and the Earth energy flowing through me. It makes me feel more powerful than I am. I like it. I look at Shay. She seems to be concentrated on something on the system, Jay hovers over her shoulder, looking as well. I hold back a laugh. Shay and Jay looks at me (rhymie!).

"What?" they say in unison.

"You two are acting like........" I pretend to gave off in the distance,"You two are acting like science geeks!"

They look at each other then say,"Cause we are!" in unison.

Everyone laughs. Even Jay. I smile. Maybe Jay isn't as mad at me anymore. After the heat dies down, everyone gets real quiet. I hear Luna give a fake and LOUD cough, as if saying 'this is an awkward silence.' I feel as if I should break this silence......but how?....

"Uh Shay, what are you looking at?" I ask.

Truly curious.

"Well right now I'm trying to figure out how long till we get there" Shay say pointing at the screen,"Right now, we're ahead of schedule by a day."

Shay frowns.

"Isn't that good?" I ask.

"Well....yes and no. Yes cause we'll get there faster. No, cause Flitters won't be there yet." Shay says.

I see Dash's face fall and he looks at the ground.

"It's fine, she'll be there," Luna says running Dash's back.

Dash nods slowly but doesn't looks up. I feel bad for the guy. He must really be hurtin for him to always act like that.

"Hey, maybe we should take a stop then" I say.

Shay and Jay look at me like I'm crazy.

"You mean to say that we have traveled 20 miles under the ground, for 3 days, and you want us to just...STOP!" Jay says/shouts.

I nod.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Well just because!" Jay says.

Shay's eyebrows furrow as she looks at Jay.

"Yeah, but because what?" I ask.


"Because what?"


"Because what?!"


"Because what?!!"



"ENOUGH!" Zane shouts.

I look at him surprised. So does the rest of my team.

"Both of you get a grip" he says.

"B-but-" Jay begins.

"No buts', just stop" Zane says very calmly.

Whoa. Way to keep composure. Jay crosses his arms and "Hmphs." The rover gets quiet. Then my senses perk up when I hear a snicker. I turn to see that the snickers from Luna. Luna covers her mouth with both hands. Then she let's her hands fly as she bursts out laughing. I'm not really sure why but I find myself laughing a long with her too. Everyone begins to laugh.

"So......" I begin saying breaking away from the laughter.

Looking around I see that Jay and Dash are rolling on the floor, while Kai, Nya and Shay are holding their stomachs and Zane is still trying to get his humor switch to work.

"Should we take a break?" I finish.

Shay wipes a stray tear and says,"Sure, why not?"

I look at Jay. He looks at me and waves me off with a smile. I think that we're starting to mend now. Shay pops the top and we all jump out. The moment my feet touch the ground I can feel a flow of energy flow through me. I wish that I had my scythe....but it was destroyed.....I look at the ground, a bit disappointed. Shay walks up to me.

"What's wrong?" she asks putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Well........" I begin.

Shay nods and gives me a 'go on' look.

"I can feel so much Earth elemental magic-" I'm cut off by Jay shouting,"ENERGY!"

I shake my head. Shay does too.

"Anyways, I can feel so much elemental ENERGY," I glare at Jay,"flowing through me, and I have my elemental sword....but it has never been the same as the Scythe of Quakes."

Shay turns her gaze to the wall. She shifts her weight to one leg, puts her hand to her chin, and stares at the wall. She's deep in thought.

After (bout) 10 minutes she says,"I think I know a way to fix that."

I look at her with a surprised expression. There could be a way to get my scythe back!

"Not necessarily get it BACK" she begins.

I must've said that aloud. Oops. I really need to stop doing that.

"But there could be a way" Shay says pointing to sword on my holster,"To get the energy that flows in there, to an elemental scythe."

Jay, Zane, Nya and Kai run over.

"Did you say that we could get our weapons back?" Kai says.

Shay nods slowly.

Zane tries to say something but is interrupted by Jay.

"Does that mean I can get my knunchucks back?" he says.

Shay nods slowly.

"Guys. I think that we should get going. Or else we'll be behind schedule," Zane says.

Shay just nods and heads back to the rover, in deep thought. Nya walks over to me.

"What's up with Shay?" she asks me.

"She's thinking," I say following Shay.

I'm so excited!


What do you guys think? Hope you enjoyed it!!

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