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❤︎ We drink the poison our minds pour for usand wonderwhy we feel so sick ❤︎ -Atticus

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❤︎ We drink the poison
our minds pour
for us
and wonder
why we feel so sick ❤︎


8.August 2019

"Can you sell me...2 grams cocaine..?..." Britney asked y/n as they both stood by her locker. Y/n gave her books in it and slammed the locker shortly after it.

"Hmm well, I don't know" she felt something weird about this. Yeah Britney was taking drugs, but she could just ask Levi and he will gave her for free. Why? Britney was Levi's girlfriend - friends with benefits be exact - for like two months.

"Please," Said the girl with black hair, brown eyes, and perfect body.

"Okay fine....." y/n finally agreed with rolling eyes at Britney.

"Yayy...ok where and when ?"

"Meet me behind the new restaurant...do you know where it is?" Britney nodded her head and y/n continued. "...fine at 2 pm....ok...good don't be late"  y/n walked away, leaving the girl standing there.

It's 1 pm and y/n was making her way home to change her clothes and give her backpack there. When she came there her mom was watching tv and her dad making lunch.

"Hi," said y/n quietly. Her parents didn't answer so she went to her room to change.

Y/n came downstairs and took an apple, her phone, and a smaller backpack than she had in school. "Bye" she wanted to walk out but her dad stopped her.

"Where do you think you are going?" Her dad questioned. 'Isn't that obvious' y/n thought.

"Out...?" She replied more like a question.

"Oh you are not going," said her dad and went back cutting vegetables.

"What why?" Asked y/n frustrated.

"Your aunt is coming...so go back to your room," Her mom said as she stopped her tv and came to the kitchen.

"FINE" she groaned. Y/n went back to her room. Slamming her door behind her, throwing her backpack on the floor, and laying an apple at her table. She took her phone from her pocket and called Levi.

"Hey Levi"

"Hey..what's up?"

"Well.." she scratched her arm as she spoke. "Britney wants a 'lollipop'" kinda weird code but sometimes it's better saying this than Britney wanted cocaine'. So they made a code for every drug they are selling.

"Oh, why didn't she asked me?" He sounded so confused.

"I dunno...but I told her yeah...but my parents told me I can't go so can you maybe..."

"Sell her that?"


"Of course...where and when"

"At 2 pm behind the new restaurant...in town...close to our school."

"Oh ok...talk to you later I need to go now"

"Ok bye and thank you"

"No problem..."

Levi hung the phone, looked at the clock to see he had still twenty minutes. He made his way to the restaurant.

The way took him 10 minutes when he finally went behind the building Britney was already there.

"Hey, Bri" beamed Levi. Kissing her cheek. Her eyes widen.

"L-Levi what are you doing here?" She asked nervously.

"Well y/n didn't have time so she sends me"

"You need to run away." She told him. He was completely confused.

"What? Why?"

"YOU NEED TO RUN" she shouted at him, but it was too late. The cops arrived, parked their car before the restaurant. There wasn't a place to escape.

"You called cops ?" Questioned Levi hurt. She betrayed him. She called fucking cops on him. ON HIM. On her boyfriend, but why? Oh, I will tell you why because she was jealous. Britney thought y/n and Levi have something together but she was wrong so she made a plan to meet with y/n and call the police at her.
"You FUCKING BITCH" yelled Levi at her, he came closer to her and pushed her to the ground. He wanted to run away but two cops catch him before he could.

Britney teared up, she stood from the ground and wanted to go away but other too cops get her and took her to the car. "What no..."

"Don't talk" said one of the policemen. She protested and Levi too, but it was for nothing. They both went to a drug clinic, Levi's mom went to jail for abusing her children and his twin's siblings went to another family.

When y/n found out what happened, she blamed herself for it. And she makes a promise. That after Levi comes back, all the money she saves, she will give him. For him and his little siblings.

769 words

♡︎ love you all ♡︎

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