Chapter 6 ~ Ed

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      She just ran away. I’ve called her so many times, I’ve sent her many texts with no response whatsoever. The time she picks up the phone it’s in fact Mila to tell me Moni is dead, which only means she doesn’t want to talk to me. But why? I thought… I honestly thought she felt the same way as I do. I mean, she kissed me back last night, I felt it in the way she held onto me for dear life and the way she looked at me before she ran away.

What’s the problem? I want– no, I need to know why she did that.

I’m in my flat, pondering all the options and trying to call her again from time to time, but it’s still as futile as it was during this morning. I’m trying to know what to do, how to approach her, but I feel there’s something important and I need to know that before acting. Moni never does something without a reason. She wouldn’t have kissed me back if she didn’t feel the same way, and she wouldn’t have run away if she hadn’t had a reason to do so. There’s something there and I need to find out what it is.

Well done, mate! I knew you could do it, I’m proud of you, my little padawan – Harry

I read the text that breaks through my thoughts and I don’t know whether to throw my mobile phone away or to laugh. I’m not sure how Harry found out about it, but he does know.

I don’t know if I did well, considering she doesn’t wanna see me now – Ed

I don’t have to wait for a reply because Harry calls me immediately. “Explain yourself,” he demands when I pick up the call.

“What I told you, man. She doesn’t want to see me. She doesn’t pick up my calls, she doesn’t answer my texts and last night she ran away. By the way, how did you find out?” I ask trying to keep my mind out of this issue. I don’t want to overthink this situation because it hurts. What if she really doesn’t feel the same way? What if that’s the reason she ran away and she doesn’t want to talk to me?

“What the fuck? Okay, I need to talk to her now,” he states and I think I hear him moving.

“No, Harry, don’t. I don’t want you to push her to do something she doesn’t want to,” I say to stop him. I really don’t want her to do things because other people tell her to.

“But this doesn’t make sense! I know she fancies you, she should be happy and with you there, being all disgustingly cheesy,” he trails off and I chuckle, I can’t help it. “There must be a reason,” he carries on and I sigh. I know there must be a reason, I just don’t know what it is.

“It’s okay, maybe she needs some time,” I suggest but that idea doesn’t make me happy nor put me at ease. I can’t help it, I can’t stop myself from wondering the same thing over and over again: why is she hiding from me? “Let’s talk about something else, please,” I ask because I can’t keep going like this any longer.

Harry and I have a conversation for a little while before he has to go and I stay there. I grab one of my guitars and start strumming some melodies, but I’m not really in the mood. I just want to keep my mind busy with other stuff. I know the answers to what is happening are not in my head, but I don’t know how to get those answers.

Soon, my phone goes off with a new text and for a moment I get excited. Maybe she replied, but it’s not Moni who sent the text.

We need to talk. I’ll meet you in 30 mins in the same Starbucks as always – Mila

I don’t know what she wants, but I feel her words urgent and I know it’s important. I leave my guitar aside, take my hoodie and put my trainers. Whatever Mila has to say, I hope it helps this situation.

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