Chapter 2

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Hikaru's POV

I woke up to Hairo shouting enthusiastically about P.E, I don't want to go but I have no choice. I don't participate, because I can't, but that doesn't mean a like sitting through the whole class. So I always end up wandering around the field, aimlessly obviously. As I followed my classmates outside, I felt someone's eyes on me. Looking around me in a panicked way, I see that not a single person is looking at me. Which terrified me, because I could have sworn someone was looking at me. I try my best to shake off the feeling and continue walking forward.

When we got to the field and everyone was changed, even me surprisingly, Mr. Matsuzaki explained that the girls would play a simple game of volleyball, while the boys got to play dodgeball. Though he did say that if anyone wanted to switch then we could, I stuck with playing volleyball this time, because although I love dodgeball... I suck at it. I suck at all sports though, I've always been bad at them but as my health got worse I lost any abilities I had with them.

When the girls started the game I was mostly overlooked, which was fine but at one point I did have to hit the ball. I was terrified, but thankfully I hit it back over the net. The girls continued to play, I zoned out and watched as the boys played dodgeball, Riki always got so intense during the game. Because I wasn't pay attention to the girls, the volleyball was coming right at me, but someone shouted and I got the ball away from me in time. However, I hit the ball in the wrong direction and smacked Riki in the back of the head... really hard.

"Who threw it?" Riki asked in a low voice while turning around slowly, a terrifying look on his face.

"I-I'm sorry, Riki! I wasn't careful and I hit the ball wrong. I d-didn't mean to h-hit you..." I could feel myself trembling as I walked cautiously towards him, I know that he would never hurt me but I'm a lot smaller than him and he's sat on me before.

"Oh, that's fine! Just being your clumsy self, huh pipsqueak?" My cousin teased while ruffling my hair and carefully placing the volleyball in my hands, there was a bright smile on his face.

After apologizing to the girls for ruining the game, I decided to sit out for the rest of the class.

Saiki's POV

How is she not dead? Nendo isn't pissed off and I'm actually confused. This tiny, skinny, pale skinned, green eyed, brown haired, 4'5" girl hit Nendo really hard with a ball and didn't die. And what makes it worse is that I can't read either one of their minds. Though they seem to know each other well, what is their relation with one another.

My thoughts get cut off by the girl getting hit in the face with the volleyball, she looked fine for second before her nose started bleeding and tears started to form in her eyes. She looked like she was in a lot of pain, these thoughts were confirmed when she placed in hands in her face and sobbed about how much it hurt.

As soon as Nendo heard her crying, he stopped playing and walked to her. He kneeled in front of her then grabbed her hands away from her face, she looked up at him with tear soaked cheeks and blood running from her nose to her chin. I don't know what the feeling was, but my heart felt like it was going to explode and I had a strange urge to see if she was alright. As quickly as I could I pushed those feelings and urges aside, and ignored the situation.

Third person

Hikaru sat there on the bench crying and sobbing as Riki examined her nose to make sure it wasn't broken, he was holding her cheeks carefully and ever so slightly touching the bridge of her nose with his thumbs. She wasn't reacting to him touching her injury, that's not what hurt. What hurt was her chest, she couldn't breathe but she had to let her cousin look her over first. Hikaru's chest was hurting so much from the crying that she could no longer breathe, which caused it to hurt even more so she cried more.

Riki reassured that her nose was fine and told her to get rag for it, before he walked away she squeezed his hand three times. Ever since they were young, the whole family had signals for when a certain thing was wrong with Hikaru. Three hand squeezes meant that she couldn't breathe, Nendo immediately turned to her and picked her up like a child before running to the girls change room, normally this would be weird but he's trying to get her back to normal.

He found her bag and grabbed the inhaler, as well as the device she needed in order to use it. He set up the inhaler and device then pressed it to his young cousins nose and mouth. As he released the medicine, he watched Hikaru carefully to make sure she breathed out, she just kept breathing in.

"You need to breathe out, pipsqueak. I know it probably hurts, but if you don't breathe out it's gonna hurt more." Riki stated with a sigh, squishing the girls cheek slightly.

She calmed down slowly and breathed out a few times, but she had trouble with the action. As she started breath normally, Riki moved the device away and put it back in her bag. He rubbed her back soothing before leaving the change room telling her to clean herself up. When he was gone she took a second to collect herself then stood and approached the sink, Hikaru took some paper towel and ran it under water. She wiped the blood from her face carefully, her nose was no longer bleeding but it still hurt like hell.

When Hikaru got all of the blood washed off of her face, she changed into her regular uniform and went back to class. The girl got back outside only to see Hairo encouraging everyone to do a good job of cleaning up. I guess the class ended while I was changing. She thought to herself while picking up a dodgeball that rolled in front of her.

Hikaru's POV

I picked up the ball and walked towards Hairo, I stood beside him for a moment but he didn't realize that I was there. So, I placed the ball down lightly nudged it towards him so it would hit his leg lightly, just enough so it would get his attention. When the dodgeball tapped the side of his ankle, he looked down at it before picking it up and shouting that they missed one while running towards the storage room.

I started making my way back to the classroom before everyone else, I didn't like having to get impatient and waiting for people to finish simple tasks. As I walked up the stairs towards the classroom I once again felt someone staring at me, I looked around but saw no one but the feeling never left me alone, not even when I entered the classroom. I sat at my desk and started playing with my pencil, I tossed it, twirled it, and I accidentally snapped it in half. Sighing in defeat, I threw the broken pencil into my pencil case and grabbed a new one.

Seriously, who the hell is watching me? I'm starting to get freaked out! I thought to myself, while looking around and even out the window. But there wasn't a single soul around, so why the hell did I feel like someone was watching me? I kept searching my mind for an answer but suddenly, the feeling was gone and my classmates entered the room. I pushed away my questions about the situation and tuned in to what the teacher was saying, I can't sleep an entire school day after all. But far in the back of my mind, I couldn't help but wonder if I was finally loosing my sanity as well as my health.

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