[ Pampered // 01 ]

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Tommy hated pampering. Being treated like you are more important than so many others makes him feel all queasy. Especially when the reason they do it is horrifying. But Tommy prefers not to think about it. If he thinks too hard about that day, he swears he goes mad. So he doesn't. But, as all unwelcomed guests do, the memory continues to waltz into his brain.

Like now. He was thinking about being spoiled rotten and suddenly his mind found its way back to that day. God damnit, could he have one day not having to see-

"Tommy? Are you gonna eat that?" Wilbur asked with a clear intention of hoping to get more food into his system. However, despite Tommy's current distasteful mood, he was still hungry, so he denied quietly and continued to stare into his plate, zoning out as he slowly brought his fork to and from his mouth. Once he was satisfied, he returned to his room. He didn't bother to wash the dishes. The last time he wanted to do something himself, he was declined and accused for not being grateful enough. Sheesh.

He could hear Tubbo rummaging through drawers in his room next door. Despite their pleas, they were separated into two neighboring rooms, guilt-tripped into taking the offer. "We were so kind to offer you this, why won't you just accept?" they said. They were separated because they had become 'important' enough to have their own rooms. That happened a week after...the incident. God, it felt like every memory he had brought him back to that day.

The reason they had shared rooms in the first place was because they weren't always classified as 'important.' They used to be just 'the two little kids of the Minecraft family.' So they shared a room until they were 13. Until it happened. He didn't really mind having separate rooms, though. He'd prefer to be with Tubbo, but he wasn't that desparate. It was just nice to have a roommate. It got lonely in his ridiculously sized room. And sure, he did share a small club room on the second floor with Tubbo, but it wasn't the same. 

He flopped down on his bed, staring at the ceiling. It was a smooth pale cream, matching the walls, which were accented with a simple golden pattern. The pattern made him want to puke. His room didn't resemble him at all. He felt so fake as a royal. It didn't make any sense to him why all of this had to happen. He had been so selfish- so stupid- that day. He didn't deserve any of this. Yet here he was. He furrowed his eyebrows further at the room once more before his door suddenly opened, scaring the living shit out of him.

"What the fuck, Tubbo?"

Tubbo smirked. "Sorry, you big pussy. C'mere, I want to show you something," he said, waving me over to the door, "I found something, and I want you to see."

Grateful to be able to get his mind off of the incident, Tommy was happy to get out of bed and inevitable follow Tubbo into something that would end up in disaster. You see, Tommy got into trouble purposefully. Tubbo? He stumbled into it. Sometimes, that meant he was roped into taking Tommy's side, but it could also mean he got really intrigued by something that was devious. Honestly, it was usually both at once. They got into a lot of shit situations together. Like being born in the first place. Tommy let out a chuckle at that thought. They were stuck together, but they made the most of it.

Tubbo ended up leading Tommy to the library, a very large round room taking up two floors of the castle. There was an entrance on both floors for practicality. The first floor of the castle was where all the guest spaces were. Dining halls, ballrooms, meeting rooms, and others. The second floor had pleasantry rooms for the actual residents of the castle, such as game rooms, smaller get-together rooms, music rooms, among others. Every close member to the royal family had a room of their choice. Tommy and Tubbo had their little club room there, a hideout where they mostly opened up to each other and hid objects and findings. The third floor of the castle had the living quarters.

Most of the library was off-limits from the pair. The family was aware that Tommy and Tubbo would try to gain access to documents they shouldn't see. But Tommy and Tubbo weren't stupid. Every time books were hidden, they found them, and the remaining hidden books were moved. Those were the type of things they kept in their club room. History. Facts. Occasionally black and yellow insects. The two of them really liked bees. Though they were now 16, it was fun to think about their time as kids and be immature for once.

Tubbo was clearly very excited to show Tommy what he'd found, and Tommy hoped that it would be something new to read or look at. Castle life got awfully repetitive. It had been over a month since they last found something interesting for the club room. At a certain point, Tubbo stopped at a shelf and pointed at a high shelf, one only Sam, the prison warden, would be able to reach without a ladder. With his heels up. That's how high it was. Tubbo gestured to Tommy's back, who grumbled in response.

"I'm not letting you climb me, Tubbo."

Tubbo proceeded to climb the taller male, who at first resisted but was too tired to care and honestly intrigued by what Tubbo saw. After a rough minute, Tubbo hopped down with a quiet thud to the dismay of Tommy, who Tubbo had pushed off of with force in order to do so. It became clear the brunette had a very large green book in his grip.

"No wonder you couldn't get down normally, that book is heavier than you!" Tommy remarked, helping Tubbo up and offering to carry the book. Tubbo smirked and gave him the book quickly, causing Tommy fall over at the sudden weight as a result of his poor posture and slim body type. The book crushed his fingers and he groaned in pain.

"Ugh, what the hell, Tubbo?" Tommy whined, attempting to lift the book again before Tubbo had to help him. Together, they took the book to Tommy's room temporarily until they could move it in the night to their shared room, because it was only 14:00 at the time and people would surely notice if the two were up and about carrying mysterious objects again. As they sat down on Tommy's bed and shut the door, Tommy finally actually bothered to read the text on the rather plain cover.

"'A Complete Look on Serpents" Tommy read aloud, chuckling, "What the fuck is this, Tubbo?"

"I don't really know, I just thought it looked real important," Tubbo shrugged. Tommy looked down at his fingers which were still a bit red from being crushed by the book and glared at him.

"So I did this for nothing?"

"Look, I saw Sam put it up there, and he's pretty important. We should at least give it a try, Tommy."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt, I'm bored as hell anyways," Tommy replied, looking down at the book again. Tubbo hummed in agreement. Tommy flipped through the pages quickly, nothing out of the ordinary, but around 3/4 of the way through, the neatly written font in paragraph form became scrappy notes. Tommy slowed and looked at Tubbo, who in turn looked up at him. Then they heard a knock on the door, and their eyes widened in horror.

"We'll be out in a minute!" Tubbo called out while Tommy scrambled to hide the book.

"You better be! Techno's been waiting on you two for forever!" Wilbur yelled. Tommy gulped and Tubbo slighlty cringed at the thought. They were late to their combat lessons. Tubbo left the room to get ready, leaving Tommy to change. After fastening his clothing, he triple-checked that the book was extremely well-hidden. He knew some pairs of eyes that liked to scower his room for anything that wasn't allowed to be there. God, how he was tired of being watched like a hawk. He missed being an overshadowed sibling, even though he had hated that too. But at the end of the day, at least he still had his right-hand man, Big T. T-Money. Small T. Tubbo Minecraft.


1421 words.

this is the longest fucking thing ive written on this website. with my attention span, thats a huge feat.

next chapter will finally  get some ranboo content, im really excited to write him. expect the chapters to switch between the two places regularly.

im so hyped for this story holy shit. feel free to comment theories or questions! ill gladly answer them.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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