Chapter 4

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"Why did you tell her that she was not sposted to know that yet she was sposted to know when she was 25 not 1 day away from her 17th Burthday, You donkey head!!" said mum "sorry hunny " said dad " NO... NO SORRYS... AND DON'T CALL ME HUNNY OR BA OR BAB OR BABY JUST TELL ME WHY YOU TOLED HER THAT... THAT'S ONLY WHAT I WANT TO HEAR YOU SAY AND IF IT IS NOT THAT... THEN DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT SAYING ENAYTHING APART FROM WHY YOU TOLD HER THAT !!!" " Fine I will tell you why I sed that to her because she asked if we can get to know moar about each other? and I sed ye shoor so then she asked how have I never ever seen you before dad? if you even are my reel dad ? So I told her that I am her reel dad and why she has never ever seen me before... are you happy now!? " " I'm happy... ish" said mum "well that's better then you screaming your lungs of" said dad. 3 hours later. "Baby hope in bed with me" said mum "okay hunny" dad said. 7 hours later. "Mum...Dad
enayone home" said Ava. nobody answered. Ava sed "sins nobody is awake I can use my supper powers because I sens
danger" she said quietly. "WHAT !!!" Said mum "YOU HAVE SUPPER POWERS" Mum and dad shouted together. "N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N No"  "hunny when did you figer out that you had supper powers?" asked  mum "I knew/ felt them wen I was just born, but I didn't know how to use them untill I was 3 years old... sorry that I didn't tell you or dad  untill now" said Ava " just
get reddy yourself for your 2nd day at your new school" mum said "WHAT NO... I'M NOT DOING THAT!!!" Shouted Ava "YES YOU ARE !!!" mum shouted back  "GET REDDY NOW YUNG LADY" said dad angrily  "NO I'M NOT DOING WHAT YOU TELL ME TO DO ENAY MOAR... I'VE HAD IT... 1ST YOU HID MY ONW DAD FROM ME FOR 3 YEERS, THEN YOU LIED TO ME FOR MY HOLE LIFE TIME... And you 2 mite not even be my real mum and dad !" Said Ava. Avas mum was hart broken and busting out with teers,  "YOU'ER GROUNDED, DON'T YOU DARE KALK TO MY WIFE LIKE THAT!!!" dad said "what... you 2 are marred ?" Ava said curiously
"Yes we are... GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW !!!"
"Fine ..... I will ... Wait no I can't" "why" said mum and dad "Because I sens danger with my powers" "Fine you can help someone but then cum strate back !" "Thank you dad" "It's okay, but hurry" "I will dad"

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