When Ava ran out side there was no danger so she went back inside but then she sensed danger agen but when she went out side there was no danger, so Ava knew something was up but she didn't know what, she thought it was danger in her house but she quietly sed to herself "that's impossible, how in urth can there be danger in my house ???" Ava toled her dad what just happend and he said "that's impossible" "I know, I thought that to, but my powers never lie" said Ava "Ava your mum is walking the dog just now, so do you want to have sum wine and maby sum popcorn when we watch a horror moovie,
Yes or No?" asked dad "ye that sounds grate" said Ava "okay, I will get the wine and popcorn" dad said "okay I'll wait on the sofa dad" but when Avas dad was getting the wine he pute poisin in Avas glass and nun poisin in his glass so in the middle of the moovie Ava daied and her dad was so so so happy that she was gon, he sed "I'm extremely extremely extremely happy that the ugly stoopid anoying idiot is ded, I just need to hide her before my wife cums back" so he did. he pute of the moovie off and cleened the glasses from the wine and the boles from the popcorn but when his wife came back she saw a wine stane on the creem gorgess karpit so she kicked her husband out of the house for 1 week. But she saw Ava ded in a in the kitchen then called her husband and shouted "I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU!!!" then hung up. But her doter faiked it and the mum asked the husband to do that but when Avas dad was not looking at the wine glasses Ava switched them so then the dad had the glass of wine with the poison in it and Ava and her mum had a glass of wine with no poison in it, then fell asleep 4 hours later.
secret power
Короткий рассказGirl who figures out she has powers that figures out that her mum has been hiding her dad for 3 years from her