1 (Triple Threat based)

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Ellie: I'm so tired of games where i have to save a damsel in distress.

Ellie: I want to be the one PUTTING the damsel in distress
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Henry: I'm not drunk!

Charles: Okay, tell the time then.

Henry, looking up at the clock: I'm not drunk!
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Ellie: I don't mind committing arson every now and again.
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Charles: Is there a word that's a mix between angry and sad?

Henry: malcontenten, disgruntled, miserable, desolated-

Ellie: Smad
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Ellie, dipping an Oreo into nacho cheese: Name a better duo, I'll wait.

Henry: You and hell.
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Charles: Why did you put carrots in the first aid kit!?

Henry, bleeding out: I thought it was funny at the time!
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Charles: Are we going to do plan B?

Ellie: Technically, that would be plan E

Henry: How many plans do you guys have, is there like, a plan G?

Ellie: Yeah, but Charles dies in plan G

Henry: I hate plan G
(Plan G stands for "Greatest plan")
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Charles: Where are you going?

Henry: To commit a felony or get ice cream, I'll decide on the way.
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Charles: If i were a drink, I'd be cherry vanilla coke. If you were a drink, what would you be?

Ellie: Bleach.

Henry: Sewage.

Charles: Please calm down edge lords.
211 words

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