𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥

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We finally arrive at Hogwarts and once I see Hermione I run towards her. She runs to me with a big smile on her face.



We hug each other tightly for a while until we both pull away. We stare at each other and started laughing.

"It's been too long! How was your summer? Tell me about it as we walk!" she grabs my hand as she leads me to the Great Hall. We talk about what we each did this summer.

She talked about how she stayed with her parents during the summer. She looked so happy as she talked about it. She continued on saying how she visited all of her muggle friends and played truth or dare with them. She quickly stopped walking and turned around to face me.

"We need to play it with our friends!" she looked really excited about the idea. I agreed with her and we continued walking.

We arrive at the Great Hall and Dumbledore seems like he's about to start his speech. I quickly wave goodbye to Hermione and go sit down next to Daphne Greengrass. We were roommates in third year and slowly became close friends.

"Hey y/n!" she turned to face me pretty quickly. She smiled at me with the nicest smile.

"Hey Daphne!" I smile back at her. I was going to say something else until Dumbledore started talking.

"Welcome back students or welcome to all you first years. First off let's have all of the first years get sorted into their houses" all of the first years get up and go towards the front. One of the Slytherin second year turned to me and started talking.

"Hey y/n! I'm glad to have you back!" he smiles at me and then hugs me tight.

"Hey Robbie! I'm glad to be back" his real name is Robert but I gave him a nickname. He likes the nickname better so I call him that. I hug him back and then turn your attention back to Dumbledore.

Once they all get sorted Dumbledore continues to talk.

"As I was saying...I have two announcements actually. We have a new student and we're having a Tri-Wizard Tournament. First I would like to introduce our new studen...Cedric Diggory!"

Immediately after Dumbledore said that the doors open. There was a gorgeous brown haired boy standing at the door. He was tall, has a nice jawline, and gorgeous blue eyes. He starts to walk towards Dumbledore. He looks towards me and winks at me as he walks.

I blush a little so I quickly look down. Daphne gently jabs me in the rib with her elbow to get my attention. When I look up at her she points at Cedric. He's sitting on the chair getting reading to be sorted.


Without hesitation the Sorting Hat immediately  says hufflepuff. Before it could even be on his head. He smiles really wide and jogs over to the Hufflepuff table. Dumbledore introduces the school that's visiting to be in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. First the Beauxbatons come in.

Just as they come in they make a beautiful entrance. They walk to the front where Dumbledore was. You look over and see Ron staring at their butts.

"Bloody hell" just as he says that Ginny immediately slaps him in the back of the head. He asks why she did that and she signaled him to look over to me. I gave him a death glare and he immediately looked down embarrassed. I know we're not together but that's pretty messed up especially after he just admitted his feelings for me.

After the Beauxbatons sit down the Durmstrang Institute come in. They made a really cool entrance with fire and everything. Everyone clapped at how impressed they were at their entrance. As I was clapping I look over at the Hufflepuff table. I see the new kid staring at me while smirking.

He once again winks at me. When he does that another hufflepuff pats him on the shoulder, hyping him up I guess?

Dumbledore explains the Tri-Wizard Tournament a little more. He makes everyone follow him towards where the Goblet of Fire is. Turns out it's been in the Room of Requirements this whole time. He lets us put our names in the cup.

I see a bunch of people quickly line up to put their names in.

"I dare you to put your name in there" I get startled and jump out of fear. When I turn around I see that it's the brown haired boy.

"You're on!" I wink at him as I walk towards the Goblet of Fire. I put my name in and walk back to him.

"You didn't have to dare me I was already planning to put my name in" he looks at me with a smirk slowly forming.

"Are you serious? I saw you staring at everyone and not once did I see you try to put your name in" he winked at me and then walked away without letting me respond to what he said.

"All right! Time to see who's going to be competing...Fleur Delacour!" everyone claps for her and cheers for her.

"Cedric Diggory! Viktor Krum and- Y/n Scamander..." everyone goes silent once they heard my name. I looked around and saw Ron with a confused face. I didn't know what to do or say until someone started clapping. I turn around to see who it was since the noise seems to be behind me.

"Cedric! What are you doing?!" I look at him really confused. He smiles and walks towards me.

"I was just cheering you on. Plus, seems like you're my competition now" he says while smiling at me.

"No need to think who will win because that person will definitely be me" I give him a challenging stare. He takes the challenge and stares back at me.

"Confident now...are we?"

"Yep and you better watch it because I'm a Slytherin. And we don't play fair" he goes from giving you a challenging stare to giving you a confused one.

"What?! So you're a Scamander but you're in Slytherin instead of Hufflepuff?"

"I'm not exactly like my father. There's some things we don't have in common" I spin around so he's staring at my back as I walk away.

Opposites Attract (Cedric Diggory x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now