𝕞𝕪 𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕠𝕗𝕗

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(Play the song when you read that they start dancing to music)
I finally enter the common room and immediately sit down on the couch. Everyone turns around to face me. They all look really confused.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"Well we saw you getting pulled away by Ron so we're just wondering what happened" Daphne says. She sat down beside me and held my hand. Their expressions went from confused to concerned. They were the first people I told about my feelings for Ron so they knew something must have happened.

"Ron has a girlfriend..." I looked down at my feet and didn't dare to look up at them. I felt stupid and embarrassed all at once. I didn't want to see their reaction to what I said so I just waited until one of them said something.

"Are you okay? I know it must hurt to know that he moved on but maybe it's better that way. Maybe he wasn't the one you were meant to be with" Blaise said as he walks towards me and sits on the other side of the couch.

"Yeah maybe you are meant to be with someone else instead..." Pansy sits down on the floor in front of the couch. She holds both of my hands as a way to comfort me. I look around making sure Draco isn't here because he just likes to ruin the mood. Plus he's jealous that Pansy is dating Blaise instead of him. So he would probably start a fight if he saw them close to each other.

"Yeah you guys are probably right...Plus there is another special someone in my life at least I think he is" Pansy jumps up out of excitement and so does Daphne. They both start jumping around like a bunch of little girls. I laugh at them and they suddenly became really serious.

"Is it who we think it is?" They both said at the same time.

"Yeah...it is actually" They grab my hand and pull me off of the couch. They both hug me and start jumping around me while I'm in between them. They start saying 'Y/n is in love' like they were in middle school over and over again. This goes on for about five minutes. They get tired from all the jumping and they sit back down on the couch.

Pansy sits next to Blaise and they hold hands. She rests her head on his shoulder. They look so cute together, I'm really happy for them. I sit next to Daphne who's also staring at Pansy and Blaise. We all decide to dance to some music since we're bored.

Hay loft by mother mother starts playing and we all get super excited. (I was listening to the song while writing this so I decided to have them listen to it) We used to listen to this song together all the time when we were little.

"My daddy's got a gun, my daddy's got a gun, my daddy's got a gun! Ga ga ga ga ga!" we all start singing to the song acting like we were in the band. Blaise acted like he was playing the drums. While Pansy was the lead singer. Daphne was the background singer while I acted like I was playing the guitar. The song finally ended and we all sat on the couch laughing.

"That was fun!" Daphne says. We all nod in agreement and we notice that it's getting dark out. We all say goodnight and head to our dorms. Pansy fell asleep quick while I just laid on my bed thinking. My mind wanders off and I start thinking about...

Cedric Diggory...


After a while I finally fell asleep. I get woken up by Pansy and she explains to me how everyone is going to Hogsmeade except for the Champions. I asked her why and she explained that Dumbledore thinks we should have a day off. Because of how hard we worked on the Triwizard Tournament.

Thank Merlin! I've been so tired lately since the tournament. A day off was what I definitely needed. Everyone leaves and I decide to walk around the school. It was pretty boring since I've walked around the whole school so many times when I was little. The memories of when I would go on adventures with Pansy, Daphne, and Blaise come flooding back.

We would always be together and get into a lot of trouble together. Since we were always together everyone started calling us the 'Emerald Green Trio'. I thought it was a stupid name but I just went along with it. Pansy thought it was hilarious that I would get mad when people would call us that in front of me.

She would always tease me knowing how mad I would get. My thoughts get interrupted by me bumping into someone. I cover my nose because whoever it was my nose hit them on the chest. I look up to see that it was Cedric. I blush a little so I quickly turn around out of embarrassment.

"How many times are you going to bump into me?" he said joking. I turn around so I'm now facing him.

"It's not like I'm doing it on purpose!"

"I think you are. Come on we both know that you fancy me" he goes from just joking to being serious. He smirks when he notices that I'm blushing.

"What makes you think that I fancy you?" I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow while staring at him. My stubborn self will never admit that I do fancy him.

"Well the way you look at me whenever you think that I don't notice kind of gives me a hint that you do" he lifts my chin up so now I'm just staring into his bright grey eyes. I could look at them all day. I notice that Cedric is looking at me differently now. He would look at me in a friend kind of way.

But now...instead of that he's looking at me with pure love. I see love in his eyes I don't know how but I do for some reason. He then starts to lean in getting closer and closer to me. He closes his eyes and...

Opposites Attract (Cedric Diggory x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now