You got guts

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But with your luck she heard you mumble something underneath your breath

"What was that Y/n" Tsunade asked
"I said nothing gra- Lady Tsunade" you said a little faster than you meant it to be but happy that you caught yourself from saying grandma Tsunade
"We're you about to say grandma Tsunade" she asked her voice almost as cold as ice
"N-no I wasn't" you said as you tried your best to lie

Tsunade was just staring at you so you just stared back holding your ground not wanting to back downs like you were weak..

"Ok will I think we should go right Kakashi-sensei" Naruto said
"Yah let's go everyone" Kakashi said

"Fine oh before I go I say goodbye to you Lady Tsunade" you said with a small smirk that no one saw it
"Ok in the case bye Y/n and everyone" she said as she was going back to her paper work
"Yah bye Grandma Tsunade" You said as you walked out

When you are the team left you heard Tsunade slam her hands down on her desks after she heard you say that

Tsunade's Pov....

' I slammed my hands down on my desks right after she said grandma Tsunade I couldn't believe the nerve of that girl'. I thought to my self
"Great now I have to people calling me Grandma Tsunade Naruto and Y/n you kids are brave but you two also must have a death wish" I mumbled to myself as I finished my paper work

Time skip.....

It's been a few months know you have become friends with Ino and Sakura but you were mostly closer with Sakura because you were with her more.

You had also become even better at fighting you were just as good a Sasuka maybe even better

You also learned more about your parents in the mean time. But you haven't told anyone about the thing sealed inside of you only the Hokage knew and all of the adult ninja

The Chunin exams were also right around the corner a few days away you thought to yourself..

You only knew that because there were other people from other villages showing up..

Time skip... (day right before the exams)

You rubbed you eyes trying to wake up as the sun light came through your window you got up and got dressed

(this is what you put on)

You also put you (H/l) (H/c) hair into space buns                ( this is what they look like)

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You also put you (H/l) (H/c) hair into space buns
( this is what they look like)

Once you were done getting ready you headed out to meet your team since Kakashi-sensei gave you guys a day off to rest before the exams

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Once you were done getting ready you headed out to meet your team since Kakashi-sensei gave you guys a day off to rest before the exams..


As you guys were walking this little kid and his friends try to sneak up on Naruto but failed you tried not to laugh at the kids surprised faces. As the kids was about to walk away he ran into a guy with what looked like face pain or whatever. There was a girl right next to him with blonde hair in four buns.

"Hey watch were you going kid" The guy in the black out fit said
"Your the one that ran into me" said Konohamaru
"Oh yah little brat watch how you speak to me before you reget it" said the guy
"You won't do anything to me" Konohamaru said as he stood up
"Ohh yah how much you wanna bet" he said as He picked up by the caller of a shirt

Konohamaru was kicking his legs trying to get out of his grip but failed to do so.

'I can't just stand by and do nothing I need to help Konohamaru out he has no chance against this guy' you thought to yourself

"Hey put the kid down and deal with someone who can actually fight back against you" You said and you step forward both Naruto and Sakura looked and each because they knew you weren't going to just watch
"Ohh yah what are you going to do" he asked and he looked toward you
"Just put the kid down because you don't want to with test me" you said
"How about no" he said all blunt as he looked at you

You rolled your eyes and what he said and just sighed
"Will from you headbands I see you from the hidden sand village" you said starting to get impatient
"Yah what about it" he said as he also started to get impatient to
"Let me guess here for the chuni exams" you asked
"Yes, know what am I going to do with you kid" the guy in the black outfit said as he truned back to Konohamrau

"Ok I tried to be nice put the kid down or else" you said as you raised you voice a little at him
"What are you going to do about you probably can't even hit m-
You cut him off by side sweeping him and as he fall you grabbed Konohamrau out of his hold before he hit the ground

He hit the ground with a thud but you didn't see him hit the ground because  you had your back turned as you set Konohamrau down

"Are you okay?" Naruto asked worried right after you set him down
"Here let me look at you face" Sakura said as she look at he left side of his face were he was able to hit Konohamrau

As you guys were making sure that he was ok the guy got up off the ground he was still surprised that you were able to side sweep him..

"Hey you the girl with (H/c) hair" he said obviously a little mad about what you did
"What" you said as you turned around
"If you think your going to get away with what you did your wrong" He said as he was about to step forward the girl with the four buns grab his shoulder

"Don"t Kankuro he almost here so unless you have a death wish I would stop" she said
"She needs to pay for what she did Temari"He said as he was about to step forward he got hit in the head by a pebble

"What the hell was that" he said as he looked up from were it came from
You looked up and saw Sasuke in a tree with pebbles in his hand

"You want some to" He raised his voice since he was mad
"That's enough Kankuro now shut up" someone said

You all looked up and saw a kid with red hair with a gourd on his back standing on the opposite side of the tree were Sakuke was..

"Ohh h-hey Gaara" Kankuro said to the red hair kid
"I told you to back down when you had the chance Kankuro" Temari told him

Both Gaara and Sasuke jump down from the tree and landed on the ground with there team mates

"Sorry about him" Gaara said in a low and toned voice
"It ok"you said as you smiled a little bit at him

They were about to walk away when the red head kid truned around and asked

"What's yours  and the kid who throw the pebbles name's?" he asked as you and Sasuke

You could see Naruto get upset over that but you ignored it

"I'm Y/n" you said as you looked at him

"I'm Sasuke" said Sasuke you could tell his really didn't care

"Anyway what your name"Sasuke asked the red head kid
"I'm Gaara of the sand" he said as he truned around and walked away with his teammates

Gaara's Pov...
'I am surprised that she was able to side sweep Kankuro the easily and that other boy he stop him by throwing a pebble at him' I thought to myself as I was walking

Your Pov....

After the other team from the sand walked away you are your team left to and just spent the day relaxing and having fun of course Sasuke almost ruined the funny a few times but hey what's new.

(A/n) Just a heads up there not going to go as they did in the show because I don't want the go back and watch the episodes and then having to write down what everyone said almost word for word just a heads up

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