Ch 7: The Ball Part: 2

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The first one was nice but didn't suit her. When she came out wearing the second one, I gasped....

I gasped and said, "You look fabulous, Amelia".

She just chuckled a bit

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She just chuckled a bit. Then, I did her hair and makeup again and we both went downstairs. She asked me, "Can I stay with you and your friends? I don't think I wanna face mum and Augus (Augusta's nickname) right now." I said, "Of course, you didn't even have to ask." I went downstairs first and then came Amelia. Everyone's eyes were on her. She smiled and looked at me. When she also came downstairs, we both went were my friends were. I introduced everyone to her and her to everyone. I even talked to Heather and Ron privately and they both happily said that they would love to have Amelia with them. We then went towards everyone else.

Then, the stage doors opened and Draco stepped on the stage. His eyes were roaming in the ballroom until they landed on me. He smiled brightly and everyone clapped. It was time for the announcement. Draco took the microphone in his hand and said, "Good evening, everyone. Thank you for joining us here. I have a very important news to share. Today is a very special day for me. Many of you may heard that I am married. Well that is true. 18 years ago on this day, I married the love of my life. We have been together since then and have 5 wonderfull kids. I would like to call my family to join me here on this stage." The people who didn't know that Draco was married were all shocked and confused. But my friends and nice family were all looking at me. I started walking towards the stage and saw that the kids were already there. Draco gave me his hand for support to climb the stairs to the stage. I climbed and everyone started clapping but my mean family was fuming. Augusta started screaming, "No! This is not possible. Draco is supposed to be mine. He can't be with beaver!" Ah oh.. Lucius shouted, "I have heard enough from you, miss. Nobody disrespects my family. Security, please escort this lady out of our hotel. Anyone else who has a problem with my daughter-in-law can leave right now." My mean family went with Augusta. Aunt Kathy then shouted, "Amelia, what are you doing? Come here. We are leaving this instant." Amelia looked at me and I gave her a reassuring smile and nod. Amelia then said, "No mum. I will not go with you. You guys are a pathetic excuse of a family. You never supported me in anything and have always forced me into things. But I won't do it anymore. I will stay here." Augusta laughed and said, "And do what? Remember that you can't go anywhere. You don't have any money and nobody is gonna help you. You will be all alone and then you will come back to us crying." I said, "She is not alone. She has a sister with her. A real one this time." I held Amelia's hand and gave it a small squeeze. She smiled and I saw that all my friends and family were behind us. Draco also came and stood beside Amelia. He then said, "Enough has been said. Security, please escort them all outside of our hotel. You all are banned from all DM hotels and HJM fashion shops." The security took them outside forcibly. I turned towards Amelia and asked her, "You alright?" She smiled and said, "Never better". The ball then resumed and we all enjoyed. I spent some alone time with Amelia. She asked, "But where will I live? I don't have enough money to pay for a hostel or hotel room. And Heather told me that I will work in the main branch which is in London." I said, "Nonsense. You will live with my family. We live in London only. And me and my friends are all neighbors. So, you will have no problem." Amelia hesitated a bit and asked, "Are you sure? You have already done so much for me. I don't wanna be a burden". "Trust us Amelia, you won't be a burden. And we would love it if you came to live with us", said Draco coming from behind Amelia. Amelia smiled and hugged us. She then said, "Well, I should go somewhere else. I have had Mione hogged till now. Now, you two should enjoy your anniversary ball". She went away and a man asked her to dance and she danced with him. Then, Draco and I spent the whole night together dancing and having fun. We received presents from everyone who knew on the day of the ball. We even received presents till next week from everyone who got to know during the ball or from the newspaper and magazines.

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