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Our first day at the scouts wasn't all that bad. It was shockingly fun, except for the fact that I was placed in squad Miche out of every squad I could have been put in it was squad Miche. It's been a few months since our first day. We have one more week of training then we're going on our first ever mission. I'm so anxious to find out what the titans look like. Oh well i'll just suck it up even if i am petrified of them. I look outside the window the early sun shining in it has to be about 5am? The scouts are definitely not what we all expected. We expected a high level intense 24/7 training schedule. But it's not all that, it's occasional fun training sessions- most of the time they're serious though-, it's making friends with the rest of the scouts. It's comforting like a second home if i had to call it something. Levi hates it here though. He finds it dirty and disgusting but that's just Levi. Me Isabel and Furlan love it here, we've made many friends. Fun fact: Me and Miche are actually getting closer; his sniffing habits are still questionable but it's dealable.

"Hey are you awake too?" Isabel yawns out. I sit up immediately "Yep yep, i'm awake, Good Morning." Isabel then gets out of bed and looks at me. "Up for some early training?" She says smiling ear to ear while looking smug. "Sure" I jump out from the top bunk. When i get down me and Isabel do our little handshake ending it with a fist bump and then a little shimmy. "Alright let's get ready" She yells excited. We both walk toward the wardrobe getting dressed while chatting about random things. Getting changed quickly Isabel randomly blurts out "Hey, you know you look tiny by Miche?" I just look at her confused with her random statement. "Pft, Well he is like 196cm" I state while laughing. "How do you know his height?" Isabel looks shocked but also weirdly interested. It scares me sending shivers down my spine. Eugh. "Is it not normal to know someone's height now or something?" I question while fixing up the straps of my uniform. "Huh? Oh no no nothing like that i'm just curious, the only people's heights i know are yours, Farlan's and Levi's." Isabel clears up while struggling with her straps. "Oh..Need some help with them?" I chuckle watching her struggle to tighten them to their needed size. "Thank you" She mumbles while crossing her arms in annoyance that she still has not got the hang of tightening the straps. "Okay well we won't be able to train on the titan cut outs so it'll just be manoeuvre practice" I state while helping her out, "Huh? Why?" "Oh you don't know that they said we can train on our own just without the cut outs." "Oh that's fine it's more fun like that, Oh! I know we can have a race!" Isabel jumps up as i just finish her straps. "Alright let's go" I shout as i run outside towards where the gear is kept.

Approaching our gear i notice one is missing someone else must be out here i wonder who, i forgot who keeps their gear near mine. I quickly throw the gear on and damn is it heavy. For all you thinking you could carry this oh you couldn't. Oh am i breaking the fourth wall? Oh sorry back to what was happening. "Hey! Are you ready?" Isabel yells out from the corner "Nearly" I reply rushing to put the gas canisters in the slots. I grab the handles/grips and exit to see Isabel on a tree ready waiting for me. "Wow you're so impatient man" I shake my head out shoot up into the same tree but just lower down. "Yeah i know. Okay ready for the race?" Isabel readies up. "Always" "3. 2. 1. GO!" We both shoot of in the same direction there clearly being a path to where we should go. I zoom past the trees doing spins and shit to keep my balance. The air flying through my hair but still keeping me fabulous.

Nearing the end of the race I hear someone else using the ODM gear other than me and Isabel they're getting closer to use but I just ignore it and keep going. "Hey! Wait for me!" Isabel yelps being far behind. "Isn't this a race?" I say  confidently and continue forward not looking where i'm going. Smack. Ow. My head. I flew straight into a tree, just my luck. "Y/N!" Isabel calls out. My sight going blurry due to the concussion I gained. Another person landing near me and Isabel. Who is it? Their conversation becoming inaudible I slowly close my eyes and pass out.

Miche Zacharius: right person, wrong timeWhere stories live. Discover now