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[Y/N's POV]

Waking up to a bright light from outside my face feeling stiff due to the dry tears left on it from last night; my body aches for a clean down and clean clothes. I get up slowly a sudden rush of light-headedness rushing over me but disappearing after not so long. Making my way to the shower I remember we don't have training at all today so we can do whatever we like for once. I remove the bandages to reveal scabbed cuts slowly healing and put the bandages in the bin. I undress being careful not to rip any of my clothes while doing so. I think of what to do for the day today and I decide on just walking around and talking to random people I know. Entering the shower letting the water fall on me, even though it's cold, I wash my self up with the rose scented soap bar I have. Finishing off I grab a towel wrap it, around me and head to the closet to get out some comfortable clothes. I get out a silky lavender mini skirt and pair it with a black long sleeved shirt. I decide to sit in my room for a bit and draw a bit. Sketching it out I decide to draw an animal in a happy free environment. I have no idea what the animal is I've never seen it but it has a long neck and splotchy colours. I wonder if it's a real animal. 

Finishing off the drawing I put that on the wall along with the one of Furlan, Isabel and Levi. Exiting the room I see scouts everywhere just chilling around chatting, I decide to go to the roof because I assume that'd be the quietist place. While on my way to the roof I run into Nanaba and Gelgar. "Are you actually not in a slump today?" Gelgar sarcastically asks giving off the 'I'm better than you' vibe. "Who said I was ever in a slump? No one, exactly." I harshly reply not having any of his narcissism "Well anyone would be in a slump if they're two best friends died right in front of them and they couldn't do anything except cry and be a wimp." He blurts out unexcpectedly obviously trying to boil my blood which worked, so I just get the courage and belt him a few in the face teaching him his lesson giving him a nose bleed and accidentally knocking him out. "Whoops." I murmur as I then continued to make my way to the roof in silence. Knowing someone's following me I just keeping going, opening the door I stop "What do you want?" I turn around to see no other than Miche behind me. "I just wanted to come to the rooftop I had no idea that was your intention too. I can leave you be alone if you'd like." He replied calmly which gave me a comforting sensation and the anger Gelgar caused suddenly left my body.

"It's okay you can stay." I open the door more                                                                                                          "I saw what happened with Gelgar" He breathed in heavily, "Just try and ignore him he can be a bit of a dick with his narcissistic personality."                                                                                                          "Just a bit." I mumble back walking over to the edge to sit down on it and just admire the sky and scenery. Stepping on the edge I almost fall backwards however Miche catches me and just picks me up and sits me on the edge. Well that's, suprising.                                                                             "Do you ever wonder what life without the walls or titans would be like?" He questions out of the blue making me confused, however I still give a reply                                                                                  "I wonder all the time but then I realise it's best for there to be the walls and titans," Miche looks at me his face full of oblivious confusion. "If it weren't for the titans the survey corps wouldn't of let me and Levi live they would have just killed us off. Plus there are some truly admirable people in the survey corps that I'm glad I met." I end off looking over at him awaiting his reply.     "You do have a point I guess. I wonder what it'd be like to be able to live freely with someone I care deeply about or love." Oh he's a hopeless romantic.                                                                                   "That's honestly a nice thought but it'd be the case of finding someone, unless you've found someone?" I say in a slight monotone teasing voice, in response he mumbles something I can't hear and then goes silent. "Oh so you do have someone you love? Good on you." My reply accidentally sounding harsher then it should have. Why am I so agitated he loves someone? Oh well. "Yeah good for me, I just wish they notice."                                                                                                    "They'll notice soon I'm sure of it. Anyway are you going to sit down or are you just going to stand there?" I say inviting him to sit next to me he nods and then comes to sit next to me.

For what was hours and hours me and Miche spoke about our dreams and aspirations and other things we didn't know about each other. The sun had already set and assuming the quietness everyone was already in their rooms asleep or getting ready to sleep. I start to feel sleepy but then my belly rumbles. "Are you hungry?" Miche asks while turning to look at me I nod and stretch my arms out roughly so they don't get stiff but I accidentally hit Miche in the face. He just rubs that spot and mumbles out an ouch. "How can you be so strong from just stretching?" He groans out his hand still on his cheek. "Stop being such a wimp." I say sighing out a laugh "Let me see where I hit" He removes his hand and I turn his head a bit by grabbing his chin. "Oh, it's actually left a mark. I'm sorry" He chuckles a bit and then ruffles my hair "It's okay, now lets go get food" Getting off he reaches his hand out to help me down I take it and leap a bit down. Walking towards the mess hall the hallways and outside areas are quiet so it's just me and Miche wondering about. Approaching the mess hall I start to space out thinking about other stuff. "Y/N? Are you okay?" He asked while bending down to see my eyes. "Huh, yeah I'm fine why?" "You sort of spaced out for a minute or so" "Oh. Yeah I'm fine" I affirmed following Miche to get food. "I wish they had a bigger supply of meat" I complain feeling a sudden craving for meat. "Who doesn't?" Miche chuckles out in response to my greediness. "Hey it's not funny that I'm hungry" "No it's not but it's cute." He cooed while looking smug. Did he just- No he didn't. I'm hearing things. I feel my face go red so I just shut up and eat. "You're flustered huh?" I shake my head in response. "Sure your not." I can feel his smirk as he looks at me and then starts to eat. We eat in a comfortable silence while looking at each other every now and again, making my heart slightly race. I like him don't I? No more like I love him. He already has someone else in his mind anyway. I sigh letting the train of thoughts continue while we finish of eating.

Leaving the mess hall we walk close to each other but not to close. "Do you want to chat more in my room it might help make me tired" he just nods and follows me. He's probably sick of me by now. I lower my head down losing hope in any chance I had. We enter the building the rooms are in and he just keeps following me in silence. I don't even know what we could speak about anymore.

We come up to my room and enter it making little to no noise. He looks around the room as if he's never been here and sees the drawings and goes up to them. "Did you draw these?" He questions looking at me with a happy spark in his eyes I nod and smile and explain them. "Well the first one is obviously Furlan, Isabel and Levi hugging each other" "Why aren't you there?" "Oh well I don't really look in mirrors so I have no idea what I look like.." "Oh okay what about the next drawing? Is that an animal?" "Oh that I drawn it this morning actually. I don't know what the animal is though it just popped into my head." He just stares at it in awe as if he's a kid who's seen some candy. "I could draw you something tomorrow if you'd like?" He nods at me vigorously. How can such a large, intimidating looking man be so cute.

"So who's this person you love?" I ask looking at him. He sits there looking at me with shock and starts getting nervous. "You don't have to tell me." He just nods and says "What if I were to say it was you?" HUH? What the hell does he mean by that. I just look directly in his eyes and he does the same to me. "What do you mean..?" I stutter out feeling my heart suddenly race. "I mean that the one person I love is you." He states still gaping his eyes on me. He stands so we're both now standing and then just pulls me into a hug and whispers "I love you" I just slip into the embrace and keep quiet. "It's okay if you don't love me back I just-" I shake my head causing him to look at me confused. I pull my head up to look at him. "I do." 

A few hours later and we're chilling upon my bed just sitting there. I almost occasionally dozed off but I kept myself up. Suddenly the reminder that I have to bandage my cuts again I get up off the bed and go and get the equipment. "What are you doing..?" Miche pondered "Oh I'm just getting the stuff to bandage my cuts up again." "Okay." I walk back with the stuff, "I don't want to ask you this but can you help me bandage them up?" "Of course I'll help. Come here" He pats his lap motioning him to sit down so he can help and so I do.

He carefully rolls my sleeves up and looks at them "I'm sorry" He whispered softly and then put he healing ointment on first and then carefully bandages them up and just wraps his arms around me and lies down with me. I turn around in his embrace so I'm facing him and then I look up at him "Thank you" I hush and dig my head into his chest and he kisses my forehead. "Goodnight Love." 

(A/N: WOOHOO CHAPTER 4 OKAY OKAY. So I had him confess so early because he's not really seen much in the show at all and I have no idea how long I plan on making this ff and this chapter is really short. But it's something!)

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