The Start Of A New Decisive Battle

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Rias is sitting with Sona in her sauna.

Sona: "Really? Kiba did?"

Rias: "Did I...make a mistake?"

Sona: "He is part of your House, right?"

Rias: "Of course. No matter what he says, there's no way I'd let Yuto go."

Sona: "The House of Gremory is famous for the strong bond between it's family members, isn't it?"

Rias: "Yes."

Sona: "It's true that his feelings may have gotten the best of him now. However, he is also a member of the House of Gremory, Rias. Kiba will return. Definitely."

Rias: "Thanks, Sona." The two devil girls stay quite for a few seconds. Rias breaks the silent by asking Sona a question.

Rias: "Speaking of feelings."

Sona: "Hm?" Rias looks at Sona.

Rias: "Do you still like Y/N?" Sona begins to sweat and it's not from the sauna. She pushes up her glasses with a shaking hand.

Sona: "W-Well I think he's very reliable and very helpful. So a very good friend I would say."

Rias: "Oh, I meant as you love him right?" Sona jumps a little making her glasses fall but she quickly grab them and puts them back on.

Sona: "I-I have no idea what your talking about."

Rias: "*Giggle* We really are rivals, falling for the same boy."

Sona: "....But you won his heart." Rias holds her chin and starts to think.

Rias: "How about we share him?"

Sona: "EHHHH!?" Sona is surprised by Rias' words making him glasses fall on the floor.

Rias: "Just kidding." Rias looks at Sona with her tongue out the side of her mouth and winks at her. Sona with a blushing face picks up her glasses off the floor.

Sona: "You shouldn't say those type of things." Sona checks her glasses then puts them back on for a second time.

Rias: "Ha ha why not?"

Sona: "I may accept your proposition."

Rias: "Huh? Wait..." Two magic circles appear interrupting Rias. Akeno and Tsubaki appear as holograms on the magic circles.

Akeno: "Excuse me."

Tsubaki: "Lady Sona are you okay? Your face is rather red."

Sona: "I'm fine! Maybe I stayed in the sauna for too long."

Tsubaki: "Please take care of yourself."

Sona: "I will."

Rias: "Thanks for the hard work, you too." Sona composes herself and speaks to Tsubaki.

Sona: "It's pretty late, isn't it, Tsubaki? Well."

Tsubaki: "The situation is grave."

Y/N is laying on his bed completely healed from Asia's Twilight Healing.

Y/N: "Woz told me that Kenzaki-senpai carried me to my house because I didn't wake up after Asia healed me. Good thing Uncle was still at work." Y/N remembers what his future self told him.

Flashback Ohma Y/N: "I kill my friend Hyodo Issei because he was a threat to me becoming King." Y/N rolls on his side.

Y/N: ".....I told Kiba we wanted to help him because he's our friend. I'm just liar...." Y/N grips his blanket. He hears his door open and rolls over to see Asia standing in his room. Y/N surprised to see Asia is wearing a nurse outfit.

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