Part 1

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Spiritual awakening isn't pretty. The process is painful. You lose people you never thought you'd lose, sometimes you even lose yourself through it, and you see things you didn't before. It shapes you and spins you in loops. It's different for us all. Our paths all lead in different directions and we each face obstacles someone else may not face. Not everyone awakens or maybe they do, but it's the dimensions we go through that we are accepted to. There are many different beliefs and many things to learn. This life could just be the start or the loop of one. The best you can do is meditate and ground yourself. When you go through an awakening it can be very harsh and what helped me through it was finding myself. My awakening has been long, painful, but beautiful in a way. My mind was clouded and full of questions, but now I'm calm, and answer one at a time. I don't have all the answers but I know the universe will guide me to them if I need to be shown them. Life isn't a game, you don't get this life again, you may have other lives but this one is never permanent. The time is ticking from the moment you're born, as you age and grow and become the being in the body you were brought in. Ego is also brought in with you. Ego drives us all, from birth we are given an ego. Our ego is shaped and planted into us without us realizing for awhile. Until you realize your ego, it will continue to grow its roots and attach to your being. Realizing your ego may be harsh. An ego that is engraved deeply is hardest to change. When it's planted and sprouted in all different ways it's hard to find the soil that's hidden underneath. It's not impossible, but digging up those roots won't be easy. Your soul is who you truly are at least I believe. Once you realize your body and soul are two different beings you will realize your ego that has been controlling your ways. The universe will guide you, your spirit guides will protect you, and your ancestors will believe in you. You believe in what ever you want to believe but remember that other beings can leave when you choose to ignore your being. I believe in god, I never did before. I don't believe in a human god. I believe in a void. A void of consciousness. A being that is like you and me, but not like you and me. It's a conscious being that seeks to live in the different lives we perceive. You and me are the spinning void of a conscious being.

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