§°¶chapter-4-what Happen¶°§

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Sorry for slow slow update it very cold here and mostly bit feeling not well and that's all
Tubbo pov¶
Its been like 2 days seen we been researching on the card that we found while they were researching it me I'm just looking at it like I remember it before so I look everywhere so no one here and walk up to it and open it it did nothing but i after I grab the card until i heard a voice..

???: why hello there tubbo..

Tubbo: uhh who are you??

???: oh forgive me for not saying I am M/N L/N or people call me king of cards

Tubbo: so may i ask a question have we meet before

M/n: we did tubbo, schlatt explained who I was have you not remembered?

Tubbo: I don't remember much cause of my head hurts from the last time I saw schlatt died right in front of me

M/n: must of been not helping full enough so why may i ask why did you summon me

Tubbo: I had these weird dream and alot of voice coming in my head trying to say something to me but I can't understand it and for the dream I heard from schlatt using you as his body guard and died from heart attack from not doing something is wrong what's that supposed to mean?

M/n: schlatt did something wrong he was using me for power to destroy your lives and your friend but after I found out and  told that and he accepted his faith for it... To protect you, you know why he said to me these once he said.....

M/n did a copy of schlatt voice..

Schlatt: m/N?

M/N: yes schlatt?

Schlatt: if something goes wrong from these country I want you to help them okay...

M/n: I will schlatt I will

Schlatt: its ganna be my time to died....

M/n: i-...

After I heard it I was shocked and scared at the same time

M/n: you see tubbo I may have a the power of control I control there body to do good things or bad things it may be like a mind control but I am just stuck inside of a card to granted they want for there country but remember tubbo if im in a wrong hands these is the end of it....

Tubbo: how much years have you been stuck there tho?

M/n: 4 years i think i don't remember.....

Tubbo: well if something ganna I will save them from it

M/n: good luck tubbo and be careful...

Tubbo: right.

I put the card where my chest pocket is to hide it until fundy ran it with a shock eyes


I ran outside with fundy I see dream building a wall

Tubbo: what's going on??

Quackity: DREAM what's going on?!?

Dream jump off the building and said...

Dream: oh you don't know what's going on?!?

Tubbo: we don't wha-

Dream: follow me...

We followed him and saw the community house destroyed....

Tubbo: oh my god....

Dream: tommy did these...... Tommy did these



Tubbo: wha-

Dream: do you know why he's keeps coming back cause you have the one disc I needed..

Tubbo: you needed that to stop tom-

Dream: yes...

Tubbo: i-

M/n: tubbo do not give him the disc.....

Tubbo: why not....

M/n: he's using you tubbo.....

Tubbo: what I'm i suppose to do.... I already know these countries is ganna die...

M/n: tubbo I want you to do these for me.....

Tubbo: what is it.....

M/n: let...... Me....... Out...... Of...... The........ Card.....

Tubbo: HOW?!?

M/n: mumble the word I summon you king of cards..

Tubbo: are you sure

M/n: just do it......

Tubbo: i- okay....

I look at dream and mumble the words..

Tubbo: in the name of GEORGENOTFOUND I SHALL SUMMON YOU....... Uhhh

Author: *cough* wrong line tubbo...... Wrong line.....

Tubbo: oh sorry?!!... Hehe

Author: TAKE 2 TWT....

(take 2)

Tubbo: I summon you king of cards.....

Dream: what did you say??

I just look at dream and something on my chest pocket glowsss red..... Untill I guy in a black cloth was standing behind with cards and red partical and I already knwo who it is I smile and very one of them are shocked and sacred at the same time..

Tubbo: I said I summon you king of cards.....

M/n: and you did the right thing thing tubbo now let us say dream...... Why are you blaming it on tubbo ha?...

Dream: its because I need those disc so that tommy can't come back here to do another worse thing...

M/n: and I say why do you need the second disc if you already had one?

Dream: look tubbo may i please had the disc...

I look at M/n and he look at me by the look of him I can tell he keeps saying no.....

Tubbo: I can't.....

Dream: and why you you can't huh?


Someone yelled NOO STOPP I look who it is it was.........

To be continued.....
Chapter 4 completed now
I need some rest TwT

§×King Of Cardsק (*dream smp x male reader*) Where stories live. Discover now