Chapter 4

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One week passed.

Danielle told her parents what had happened, to which they proceeded to inform the police. No arrests were made as the boys were minors. After questioning for days, the incident was recorded on the boys and their permanent files. Two of them were expelled, the other suspended. Danielle explained to Rae some of what happened who fussed over her constantly, but kept the creepy dream to herself. Icarus appeared regularly in school, maintaining his nosy and flirtatious persona. He never did bring up what had happened. Her bike also appeared at her house several days later after the incident, with brand new tires and gleaming like it had been polished. She wanted to bring it up to him, but her questions were avoided and skirted into a different topic each time.

The dreams disappeared once Danielle's mom forced her to start taking her medication again. The pills were used to curb her headaches and relax her erratic dreams that had plagued her as a child. The pill she had taken the week prior had been the first one in a few weeks. Everything returned to normal, and she almost forgot about things.

Until winter break came.

Rae traveled with her family to northern California to ski, and Danielle went with hers to their winter cabin in the northern part of the state. Nevada is known notoriously for being the driest state, but at thirteen-thousand feet, Nevada's mountains could get up to sixty-five inches of snow on the slopes.

They drove early Saturday morning, her brothers consumed by video games and her mother and father discussing the dinner plans that night amongst themselves. She hated this drive. She had shoved ear buds in and blasted Evanescence to drown out the three-hour boredom accompanying the ride.

Once pine trees began to speckle the landscape and snow was gathered into piles alongside the highway, Danielle fixed her gaze out the window and watched. She couldn't wait to leave home; she didn't know if she would continue to college, however. Part of her just wanted to pick up a job somewhere and earn enough money to hop around the country and sight-see.

The car ride became bumpy as they ascended into the mountains. Snow clung to trees as the grips of winter settled on the landscape. The windows became framed with crystalline frost, chill to the touch. Snow lay pure and white in the mountains, untouched and concealing the blanketed grasses and dead fall beneath the drifts. Danielle was excited. Their cabin was just outside a small town in a valley concealed by mountain peaks. The town itself was a bit warmer than where their cabin was set.

"What do you say we eat out tonight?" came Danielle's father's voice.

"We don't care." mumbled Max, gaze still fixated on the flashing lights emnating from his Nintendo.

Her father took a right, and their path took them to Pine Woods City, the small town encompassed by mountain ranges and vast forests. A bit later, they came to a stop at a restaurant titled The Hotspot, a log cabin themed eatery. Danielle felt her heart ache with fond memories; as a younger child they visited here often, but their visits had dwindled since she turned thirteen.

Danielle exited the car and shook out her cramped legs. The Sebring was room enough, but with a load of bags and gear stuffed in the trunk and around them, it made Danielle itch with claustrophobia. She gazed out at the landscape around them; crystalline like trees and glittering air reminded her of diamonds, microflecks of frozen water tumbling through the atmosphere in tumultuous waves.

"Man, is that drive long!" exclaimed Danielle's mother Emily as she dropped to the pavement on the balls of her feet. She tightened the burgundy scarf around her neck and bustled towards the restaurant doors. "Max, Sam! Put those things away." she commanded, gesturing to their gaming devices. "Family vacation has officially started."

Icarus (Book 1 of the Reincarnate Series)Where stories live. Discover now