A new beginning Chp.1

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2nd year of highschool:

"she has so many bruises, scars, cuts. but they never cause her pain. her second quirk is bond But who is she bonded with that has those kind of scars!"

"I'm not supposed to say"

"Well we think it's best that she no longer comes here to this school. We will be transferring her to U.A. they have dorms on campus she will be safer there, They can at least help her not be bullied like she is here"

"Do i have a choice?"

"Not really. The hero's around here already think you do this to her because you won't tell anyone who she is bonded to"

The principal got up from his chair "She has a test that a teacher from U.A. will be coming to see here within the hour you can watch or you can leave to start packing her things together for when the truck arrives"

"I would like to watch" The man you called dad stood up his black hair shifted as he stood and followed the principal to the courtyard for the test

Time skip lovelys~

Y/n stood with a teacher she's never met but has definitely heard about X-Rated hero Midnight!

She couldn't stop fangirling of how close she is to her!

Y/n calmed down when the robot came out at her taking a deep breath before screaming...


A portal flung from her hand cut the metal robot in two.

She was ecstatic so happy that she was being tested to transfer to U.A! 'Dad never wanted me to go that school and now i finally get to go!'

Midnight asked her to use the third quirk she acquired more than a year ago,
Powering it up red lightning coursed through her body as she kicked the second robot to pieces "SMASH"

Midnight looked at Y/n and gave a thumbs up 'That quirk and her looks match a student at U.A. so well but i can't put my finger on it' midnight thought as she walked next to Y/n

Time skippy~

As Y/n had packed the last box onto the truck she looked for her father to say goodbye "Dad i'm about to leave everything is in the truck..."


"Dad!" Y/n shouted in the apartment.

"i'm in the back" she heard him call out to her huffing and walking back to his room.

"Dad i've got to go the truck will be leaving very soon" she looked into the room to see her dad with a small box.

"Y/n there's a lot of things i need to tell you but that will be in time" looking at her dad with a glare "I know you hate it when i say something like this but in time you will understand." He hugged her letting a few tears drop "when the time is right this will come in handy open it once you have settled into the dorms" he said handing her the little box

"Sir we are heading to the school the teachers her to pick up L/n" hugging her dad once more "thank you" she whispered and then ran out to the car midnight was waiting in jumping in quickly.

"I'll call you when i can!"

Time skips for days~

After unpacking in her new dorm room class was still in session so she headed to the classroom 2.A nervous because it was a few days in the second semester biting her lip as she was about to knock on the door but midnight grabbed her shoulder

"I think today you should rest after a test with your homeroom teacher Aizawa"

she looked behind her teacher to see a man wearing all black with a scarf on waving at the man before being dragged to the training grounds

"You want me to throw a ball?"

"Using your quirk yes"

She looked at him "what quirk?" simply asking

Aizawa groaned "whatever quirk just do it"

*Drop* through the portal

Robot: "infinity"

Aizawa sweat dropped " i meant thow it! where did you even send that?"

Y/n whistled tapping her foot on the ground "Outer space" she muttered loud enough for Aizawa to hear.

"Use your other quirk with this one" handing her a new ball to throw

As she powered up her quirk and she threw the ball the ground separated as the ball flew with a huge amount of power

Robot: "uncalculated ball disintegrated"
Aizawa instantly knew he was dealing with someone who used her power at 100% at all times

All might looked through the classroom window shocked to see someone who looked like young midoriya and also looked like she used one for all and looked to be at 100%.

Midoriya glanced out the window and saw a girl with green hair jumping up and down with his teacher Aizawa who was shaking his head as they walked into the building. the young boy looked at his teacher who looked worried for some reason.

The school bell rang all the kids were about to head back to the dorms but Aizawa haad us stay seated for a few more minutes.

"Class we have a new transfer student, Come in L/n"

With a huff she came in "I asked you to call me Y/n" muttered under her breath for only Aizawa to hear.

"Hi everyone! im Y/n! Nice to meet you!" Y/n excitedly said waving to the class

Everyone in class looked her up and down in shock "WHAT!!!"

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