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1 month later
I walked into school with sero talking
"Sero indie can i get your autographs" a girl asked
"Me to" another one said they crowed us we signed a few things
"Hey babe" Josh said kissing my cheek
"Hey Josh excuse us we have to get to class" I said we soon got out of class oh yeah me and Josh started dating a few weeks ago I got to my class he headed to his
"Good morning everyone" I said I was greeted by most of the students we sat down I could till baku was in a bad mood
"Baku what's up" I asked
"Don't call me baku" he said
"Oh sorry" I said
"Present mic wants to see you 5" Aizawa said looking at us we nodded heading to his office we knocked
"Cons in" he said we walked in then stopped oh my god no way
"Hey you guys must be the band kids I'm hawks" he said oh my god we sat down talking
"I want to sign you guys" he said I looked over at Hitoshi he gave me a smile
"I think I speak for the band when I saw they'd love to but what dose it involve what's in the contract" Hitoshi said
"Of course you must be their manger" hawks said
"You found say" he said as hawks handed him the papers he passed it to us 5 years 3 albums and 70 tours if not more I looked at the rest of my band we looked at shinso nodding
"You have a deal" shinso said
"Great if you can sign here and here" he said we signed the papers
"I look forward to working with you all we will do a photoshoot to announce you joining the label" he said we nodded he left once school was over we headed to Denki's house to celebrate
"I can't believe it" Denki said
"We got signed" I said
"Hi kids what's going on" Mrs.Kaminari asked
"We got signed" Kiri said
"Wow by who" she asked
"Hawks records HAWKS SIGNED US" I said
"That's amazing we must celebrate I'll invite your parents indie I don't have your parents number would you like to invite them" she asked
"They are busy" I said she nodded as soon headed to the restaurant talking
"I'm so proud of you boys" I'm guessing Mrs.Sero said
"Mum" sero said
"Oh hi" I said waving
"Who might this be" she asked
"This is indie are guitarist" hanta said
"It's nice to meet you Mrs.Sero" I said
"Aren't you just the sweetest thing" she said I smiled we headed in
"Indie are your parents not coming" Mrs.Kirishima asked as we sat down
"No they are busy" I said she nodded
"So what's the big news" Mr.Kaminari asked
"We got signed" sero said
"That's amazing" Mrs.Bakugo said
"That's not even the best part" I said
"We got signed by thee hawks" Kiri said we nodded they cheered
"This is great news are babies are growing up" Mrs.Kirishima said
"Good job" Mr.Bakugo said
"I'm guessing you I'll start touring you boys better take care of indie on the road" Mrs.Kirishima said
"Yeah" Mrs.Bakugo said
"Don't worry cookie will be fine with us" sero said ruffling my hair I giggled we ate I went to pat for my food
"I got it indie" Mrs.Kirishima said
"It's ok" I said
"My treat" she said paying
"Thank you" I said she nodded
"We'll give you a ride home indie" Mrs.Bakugo said
"It's ok I can walk" I said
"Get in the car idiot" baku said I nodded getting in the car
"Right here" I said pointing to a house I waved as they drove off I walked to my house
"Good afternoon dear how was tutoring" Mom asked
"Good" I said setting at the table
"Did you apply for collages today" dad asked
"No I want to do music" I said
"No your grounded stop bringing it up you will come straight home after school" Mom said I went to my room

Next day

"Hey indie" hawk said as I was leaving school
"Hi hawks" I said
"I'm going to the mall want to come I'll pay for what ever you want" he said I nodded
"Ready" sero asked I saw sero and Denki we headed to the mall
"I'm going to dye my hair" I said
"Let's go" hawks said I dyed it a pinky red with a black piece in my bangs
"You ever wanted a tattoo" he asked I nodded
"I've aways wanted one" I said
"Said here" Denki said
"I got a guy come on" he said taking us to a tattoo shop
"How old" the guy asked
"I'll give you 100 extra if you tattoo them" hawks said they guy nodded starting on mine it was on my arm
"Yeah so we start tour in 4 weeks" hawks said I nodded once I finished I ended up getting my nose and ears pierced it was my second standard lobe once I finished hawks drove us home I was the last
"Thanks hawks" I said grabbing my bags I saw my parents car I headed in
"I'm home" I called
"What did you do what happened to your hair is that a tattoo and piercing" mom asked as I sat my bags and guitar down
"Yep my band got signed to a label and we went out" I said
"Get out of my house" dad said
"What" I said
"Get out of my house you ungrateful child" dad yelled
"Get our" mom screamed slapping me I packed my stuff running out as they threw stuff I didn't know where to go I was crying it was about to start raining I called the band

S: hello

K: what's up indie

I: G-guys

S: what's wrong cookie

I: I-I

B: where are you

S: I'm on my way

The call ended he dissent even know where I am I soon saw 2 cars pull up sero jumped out of one bakugo jumped out of the other
"What happened cookie" sero asked hugging me
"They kicked me out" I cried
"You can stay with me come on" bakugo said picking up my bags
"W-what" I shuttered
"Get in the car" he said putting my stuff in
"I can't just stay with you" I said
"I said get in the car" he said
"Bakugo calm down she's upset you ok cookie" he asked I nodded bakugo opened the door I hugged sero then got in the car
"You ok indie" Mrs.Bakugo said
"Her stupid parents kicked her out she's staying with us" bakugo said getting in
"Of course" Mr.Bakugo said the drive to their house me and baku took my stuff to the guest room
"Your hair looks stupid" he said
"Thanks" I said cleaning my tattoo
"When did you get that" he asked looking at me
"Hawks took Denki sero and I to the mall and let me and Denki get one I bet he'd take you to get one" I said wrapping it
"Why'd they kick you out" he asked
"I want to go music and I dyed my hair and stuff" I said
"That's so dumb" he said I nodded

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